
Book Review: The Boy Who Changed The World

Boy Who Changed the World: Andy Andrews

I'm always delighted to receive quality children's books from Thomas Nelson Publishers. Some of you may have read my earlier posts on many of Andy Andrews books. This time, I must say that Andy Andrews did it again. His latest book, "The Boy Who changed The World" is a brilliant story with a historical theme touching upon the lives of  Nobel Laureate Norman Borlaug, Henry WallaceGeorge Washington Carver and Moses Carver. In this respect, the older children can relate to the book very well and make a connection.

book illustrations
book illustrations

As it turns out, this particular book is based on The Butterfly Effect. And this is the part that I love, that excites me the most. Paying it forward is like the butterfly effect in  showing how one person can have an effect on another. An interesting thing is that the vision and message of this inspiring book are totally about how kids matter and that the choices you make in the little, ordinary things that you do can become extra-ordinary in the bigger picture. I highly recommend this inspiring book and give it a top 5 stars! Read it and share it with all! I personally am pleased to have this one in my library for my grandchildren.

book illustrations
book illustrations

Thanks to Thomas Nelson  for providing The Boy Who Changed The World for review. Take a look at the book trailer. You'll see what I mean. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this one.

Andy Andrews - The Boy Who Changed the World

Book Description

If someone has changed your life for the good, now is the time to celebrate by letting them know how much they matter.
Oftentimes true heroes of faith don’t stand out in the world, but they have made a lasting difference in someone’s life—they’re a hero to someone. This gift book celebrates their story by first providing a dedication beginning with “You changed my life by___” to be written in detail by the giver to the recipient. To follow are stories told by Max about others who have answered the call of their convictions and took steps of faith (both big and small) resulting in lasting change in the lives around them. It’s a message that honors the person who receives the book, and inspires us all to see that real people with remarkable hearts can change lives.
What the book is about:

Andy begins the story about a boy named Norman Borlaug who loved playing in his father's cornfields. Then one day his father told him how blessed they were to have such an abundance of corn and how many people in the world don't have enough food to eat. Right then and there Norman decided to change the world. And that he did. He grew up to develop disease resistance wheat varieties with exceedingly high yield potential - also called "super seeds." It is said, however, that Dr. Borlaug has saved more lives than any other man that has ever lived...

I dedicate this book to my mother-in-law who is 91 and has been a wonderful example of love and acceptance, and celebrating each and every day with joy and hope for all that life brings!

-- LadyD 
“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” — C. S. Lewis

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