
My Book Nook

Book Nook l LadyD Books
One of the most comfortable stuffed chairs in my great room is where you'll find me! Even though the winters are mild here in sunny California, this chair calls me to sit awhile and ponder over a great book. It is oh so heavenly when we do get some rain. Then with a roaring fire going, I'm soon drawn into a good book. Perhaps I'll have a look at Classic Poems... Anyways, here is a peek at a delightful book nook of mine.

Now, one good thing about an overly stuffed armchair is that there's room for a few more to sit comfortably. A perfect chair for those two wonderful Grandsons of mine. When I am soaking up quiet time just for myself, an occasional visit from my cat Jasmine is always a welcomed site! So, there you have it, the scoop on the showing of my 1st book nook, stripes and all!

You'll definitely want to stop by Amy's blog. I was passing by and noticed her invite to share my book nook with you. Thanks, Amy!

-- LadyD

1 comment:

  1. OHhh! This is gorgeous! So plush and inviting!!!

    Thanks for sharing!


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