
Abigail Spells by Anna Alter- Book Giveaway

Abigail Spells
I remember being in a spelling bee in 6th grade. My Mom was very proud of me. I had made it through several rounds, but I sure was nervous. It soon became my turn again, and I misspelled the word "thrifty". It seems I got ahead of myself and put the i before r. Well, that ended that! I was great at spelling but the pressure at spelling bees was a bit frightening for me. Funny thing is that I don't mind playing the piano in front of lots of people. I'm quite comfortable sitting behind a keyboard... but that's another story!

Back to spelling bees... Brimful Curiosities is hosting a book giveaway contest for Abigail Spells. For more information, please visit her blog at

"But there was one thing Abigail liked to do better than anything else. More than anything, Abigail loved to spell." - Abigail Spells by Anna Alter

A chicken named Abigail possesses many talents including spelling. She spells words constantly and prepares for the upcoming school spelling bee with help from her best friend, George the bear. After practicing words like A-P-P-L-E and C-L-O-C-K, she feels ready for her big day. But, she finds out quickly that spelling in front of a crowd in a large auditorium isn't easy. Luckily, her friend George encourages her and offers her his friendship at exactly the right moment.

Learn more about the book and this wonderful author at

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Thank you, Brimful Curiosities for Abigail Spells book giveaway!
Best wishes to all the contestants!

-- LadyD

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1 comment:

  1. Hi LadyD,

    Thanks for blogging about Abigail Spells and best of luck in the book give away!

    Anna Alter


As always, so nice to hear from you!