
Celebrate Children's Book Week and Children's Book Awards

Children's Book Week-2009
Since 1919, Children's Book Week has been celebrated nationally in schools, libraries, bookstores, clubs, private homes-any place where there are children and books. Educators, librarians, booksellers, and families have celebrated children's books and the love of reading with storytelling, parties, author and illustrator appearances, and other book related events.

It all began with the idea that children's books can change lives. In 1913, Franklin K. Matthiews, the librarian of the Boy Scouts of America, began touring the country to promote higher standards in children's books. He proposed creating a Children's Book Week, which would be supported by all interested groups: publishers, booksellers, and librarians.

The need for Children’s Book Week today is as essential as it was in 1919, and the task remains the realization of Frederic Melcher’s fundamental declaration: “A great nation is a reading nation.”

The Children's Choice Book Awards program was created to provide young readers with an opportunity to voice their opinions about the books being written for them and to help develop a reading list that will motivate children and teens to read.

Children’s Choice Awards Get Record Response

"The countdown is almost over—this year’s Children’s Book Week begins Monday, May 11. Response to the Children’s Choice Book Awards has been much larger than expected, and they have received four times the number of votes as last year, which was the inaugural year for the kid-chosen book awards program. More than 220,000 votes have been logged this year; the winners will be announced on Tuesday, May 12, at the Children’s Choice Book Awards Gala. See our roundup of Book Week events here, and check out the Children’s Book Council’s Web site for more information on events in New York, Boston, Seattle, and Chicago."

Close to 15,000 children and teens from around the US spent months reading and evaluating books submitted by publishers. The five favorite books published in 2008 in each of these categories are open for a nation-wide vote in March and April 2009 in each of four grade categories: K-2nd, 3rd-4th, 5th-6th, and Teen as well as Favorite Author, and Favorite Illustrator. The winner in each category will be named at a gala during Children's Book Week on May 12th, 2009 in New York City as part of Children's Book Week (May 11-17, 2009), the oldest national literacy event in the United States.

Children's Book Week Poster

Tuesday, May 12

Children’s Choice Book Awards Gala. The Children’s Choice Book Awards will be announced at the Edison Ballroom in Manhattan. Winners will also be announced on the Children’s Book Week Web site.

Thursday, May 14

Children’s Book Week in Seattle and Olympia, Wash. Scieszka will visit Washington State in honor of Children’s Book Week.

Saturday, May 16

Children’s Book Week in Boston. The Massachusetts Center for the Book and Boston Public Library will team up for concluding activities in Boston’s Copley Square.

Voting closed May 3rd... Winner announced May 12th! Take a look at the highlights of last years event:

View more photos at:

Celebrating Children's Book Week
By Diane Roback, Children's Bookshelf -- Publishers Weekly, 5/15/2008

If you're looking for educational children's books, plan to visit the library in your area. I plan to get some board books, books about animals and look for some Italian children's books.

I'd love to hear from you... thanks for stopping by!

~ LadyD

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