
Mama's Got a Fake I.D. Review - Give Away

It is time to post my review of Mama's Got a FAKE I.D. Special thanks to Waterbrook Press for inviting me to participate in the Mother's Day Blog Tour!

Let me start by asking a very important question to all Mothers...

Would you like to be known and loved as the real you? Why yes, of course! In reading Mama's Got a Fake I.D. you'll discover that true Motherhood enhances who you are. You'll see that your creativity and gifts that you have are ignited within and that Motherhood refines you.
Do you think someone thinks you don't have a brain because you're a Mom? Have you heard that your values as a woman are pretty much limited to what you do for your family?

Caryn Dahlstrand Rivadeneira, the author of Mama's Got a Fake I.D., honors motherhood while challenging moms not to lose themselves in this overwhelming stage of life. Caryn goes on to write that your identity is of prime importance to God. You see, God cares about you as a person, not just a Mother!

I think Caryn says it best, ... "I wrote what I wanted to read. What I needed to read, actually. The whole thing was born out of my crazy messed up identity and trying to figure out who I was or was “supposed to be” once I became a mom. A mom who loved her kids like nuts but who wasn’t so naturally good at a lot of the “supposed to” mom stuff.
So, like all the rest of us who go through this, I wrestled with guilt for not feeling “happy” with only having a slapped on mom identity and I felt downright lonely because I didn’t think who I really was fit in anywhere. Turns out, most of us actually feel this way, but who knew?"

You can read more of Caryn at her website:

I love Caryn's book and I give it 5 stars! Her book will inspire and encourage you to cast off others projections of who they think you are. The struggles of loneliness and loss of self will begin to dissolve when you discover in this delightful read that you're not alone. Reading about other Moms who struggle with difficulty in not fitting in with some stupid idea will be liberating because Caryn casts vision and shares a perspective that every mom needs. If you've ever felt like you've lost yourself in the midst of raising a family, this book will help you find yourself again! Not only is it o.k. to be who you are, but that you are loved, especially loved because of who you are!
I highly recommend this book. If you're looking for an entertaining and uplifting book, this one is for you. Caryn's writing style of truth, humor, and scripture is an easy read. And it's not just for Mom's but dad's as well. Always remember, you're not just a mother and a wife, but you do have a name and you're the daughter of the highest God! Be blessed and get the book today! Oh yes, and Happy Mother's Day!

To order book:

Mama's Got a FAKE I.D.

********** Mama's Got a Fake I.D. book Give Away ***************

Thanks to WaterBrook Press I am able to give away one book to a lucky reader of my blog. This give away starts today 5/4 and will run until midnight 5/12 Here are the rules:
* U.S. and Canada mailing address. Sorry no P.O. Boxes
* leave a comment on here for 1 entry (every kind comment on this giveaway counts!)
* 5 bonus entries if you follow me on Twitter
* 5 bonus entries if you follow my blog & I am on your blog roll
* leave a contact email in your entry
I will announce the winner May 18th, 2009!

Best Wishes,
~ LadyD
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