
Book Review: What's He Really Thinking? by Paula Rinehart

Thank you Thomas Nelson publishers for the opportunity to review What's He Really thinking? by Paula Rinehart... a very good book!

Paula explains with simple language and great illustrations that men and women think and act differently. Her writings are very insightful, humorous and just plain easy to understand!

Have you ever asked yourself these questions and sincerely wanted to know the answers?

* Who is this man and how does he experience life differently than I do?
* Who and what has the power to make him a real man?
* Would you be man enough to be my man?
* What is it that a woman expects from a man?

Paula has listened to men talk about their lives, wives, families, issues, and concerns through her many years as a therapist. She has come to understand men and now has written a book to help deepen our understanding to a more meaningful relationship with the man in our life! If you're looking for clues, tips and meaningful insights that work in understanding men, then this book is for you.

The book first opens with a quote from Jack Nicholson to Helen Hunt in the movie As Good As It gets, "You make me want to be a better man." What makes this a good book is that it's universal... women will always be relating to a man! Paula will lead you on a journey of discovering expectations,having soul stretching exercises to hear one another share deeply matters of the heart.

This is a great book for men also to see the beauty and power that women have. And to find that place of position and strength a husband has as protector of his home. Paula provides for us Scripture, personal notes, and quotes and a very helpful study guide towards the back of the book.

What I especially love about the book is Paula's approach to a sensitive, intimate subject of men and women's acceptance of one another with grace, humility, and tenderness. She discusses intimate issues of trust and vulnerability with one another with honest, objective steps for an on-going, growing, vibrant relationship with one another... so that we can say to one another, "Honey, give me the best of who you are."

I'm delighted to recommend this book to you ladies. Remember Michael Bolton singing, When a Man Loves a Woman?! Well, he'd trade the world for the good thing he's found. A woman ushers a man into the world that's marked by beauty. I learned a lot from Paula's book and I trust you will, too in caring for our men!

* Product Description

A woman's guide into a man's heart and mind offering invaluable insights, understanding, and the tools for building healthier relationships.

Even in the best of relationships, over time, men and women drift apart because of the communication gaps they naturally possess. In What's He Really Thinking?, author and speaker Paula Rinehart gives incredible insight into these differences. In her conversational, almost poetic style, Rinehart unlocks some of the age-old mysteries of the male mindset.

With more than twenty years of counseling experience, Rinehart sheds a realistic light on:

* how men think
* why they do what they do
* what they struggle with

She believes women who truly understand men have an ability to make an extraordinary impact on their lives. From scientific research to practical real-life stories, Rinehart removes the guess work and shows women how to become the relational geniuses they have always longed to be.

* Product Details

* Paperback: 224 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Nelson (June 2, 2009)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0849918804
* ISBN-13: 978-0849918803

What's He Really Thinking?: How to Be a Relational Genius with the Man in Your Life

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