
Children's Book Review: A Heart Ready to Fly by Jackie Chirco Cogswell

Giggle Heart Adventures #1
I am a new blogger with Divine Inspiration Publishing and wanted to thank them for the opportunity to review my first Christian fiction book, A Heart Ready to Fly by Jackie Chirco Cogswell. I was delighted to see three beautiful children smiling widely and was immediately attracted to the cover art and title: GiggleHeart Adventures #1.

While Sophia and her little brother fly across the country on a plane without their parents, Sophia runs into an angel who teaches her from God’s Word about fear, judgment, pride, anger and discernment. In this hilarious adventure, she also discovers how confession and repentance clean dirty, stink’in hearts so that we can giggle with God’s amazing joy. Join the fun and your heart is sure to giggle!

About the Author

Jackie Chirco Cogswell is a Family Physician and the loving mother of three delicious children. While searching for entertaining Christian books, she was led by the Holy Spirit to fill that need by writing this book. A Heart Ready to Fly is the first in a series of novels, the Giggleheart Adventures. This series is designed to entertain and teach families about how God’s Word applies to each of our lives. Her books are also intended to encourage our hearts to giggle in a way that only God’s joy can provide.

Product Details

* Hardcover: 128 pages
* Publisher: Divine Inspiration Publishing; First edition (July 6, 2009)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0982049064
* ISBN-13: 978-0982049068

* My Review:

First, we are introduced to Sophia Rose Giggleheart who is 8 1/2 years old and loves all animals. You just know that every young girl can relate to that. Then we learn of Sophia's brother, Luke Michael Giggleheart who is 6 1/2 and annoys her to pieces. Doesn't this sound like your everyday down to earth family with sibling rivalry? Together the two of them take a plane trip from California to Michigan and so the fun begins!

As this adventurous tale unfolds, Sophia meets Frank and by the sound of his name you'd think he would be just your average Joe kind of guy but no, Frank is an angel! Throughout the book, Jackie Chirco Cogswell brilliantly weaves scripture and biblical application of truth in a unique approach that causes young people and all of us who are "young at heart" to easily understand God's love for us in a fun and loving way. Real heartfelt issues are talked about and lessons of walking in faith, following your heart will melt away the fears that young people have.

My favorite character is Sophia because not only is that my Aunt's name but she has similar charming characteristics. Plus I think so many of us can relate to Sophia's attitudes that are in need of a heart change. I love the book and rate it 5 stars. You can easily read it in an evening. This book is for all readers and I highly recommend it to you. I look forward to reading GiggleHeart Adventures #2 and much more from this very talented author.

A Heart Ready to Fly

-- LadyD

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Review: Love & Respect by Dr. Eggerichs

Love & Respect

Love & Respect
The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs
By Emerson Eggerichs

Based upon Ephesians 5:33 and extensive biblical and psychological research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs reveals the power of unconditional love and unconditional respect and how husbands and wives can reap the benefits of marriage that God intended.

Product Description
A Marriage Book with a Difference!

A Revolutionary Message

"I've been married 35 years and have not heard this taught." "This is the key that I have been missing." "A light bulb moment." "You connected all the dots for me." "As a counselor, I have never been so excited about any material." "You're on to something huge here."

A Simple Message

A wife has one driving need -- to feel loved. When that need is met, she is happy. A husband has one driving need -- to feel respected. When that need is met, he is happy.

When either of these needs isn't met, things get crazy. "Love and Respect" reveals why spouses react negatively to each other, and how they can deal with such conflict quickly, easily and biblically.

A Message That Works

Based on over three decades of counseling, as well as scientific and biblical research, Dr. Emerson Eggerichs and his wife, Sarah, have already taken the "Love and Respect" message across America and are changing the way couples talk to, think about, and treat each other.

What do you want for your marriage? Want some peace? Want to feel close? Want to feel valued? Want to experience marriage the way God intended? Then why not try some "Love and Respect."

From the Inside Flap
Discover the Single Greatest Secret to a Successful Marriage

Psychological studies affirm it, and the Bible has been saying it for ages. Cracking the communication code between husband and wife involves understanding one thing: that unconditional respect is as powerful for him as unconditional love is for her. It's the secret to marriage that every couple seeks, and yet few couples ever find.

Today, you and your mate can start fresh with the ground-breaking guidance that Dr. Emerson Eggerichs provides in this book. His revolutionary message, featured on Focus on the Family, is for anyone: in marital crisis...wanting to stay happily married...who's feeling lonely. It's for engaged couples...victims of affairs...pastors and counselors seeking material that can save a marriage.

Using Dr. Eggerichs breakthrough techniques, couples nationwide are achieving a brand-new level of intimacy and learning how to: - stop the Crazy Cycle of conflict - initiate the Energizing Cycle of change - enjoy the Rewarded Cycle of a new passion.

And if you'll take this biblically based counsel to heart, your marriage could be next!

Product Details

* Hardcover: 324 pages
* Publisher: Thomas Nelson (September 7, 2004)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1591451876
* ISBN-13: 978-1591451877

emerson eggerichs

* Who Is Emerson?

Emerson E. Eggerichs was born in Peoria, Illinois on April 30, 1951. He met his wife, Sarah, while attending Wheaton College.

Emerson and Sarah have 3 adult children, Jonathan, David, and Joy.

* Emerson and Love and Respect

Excited and burdened about male and female communication, Emerson launched the Love and Respect Conferences in August 1999 to serve husbands and wives.

* Sarah and Emerson are convinced that a truth hidden in plain sight for 2000 years can make a difference in every marriage. This truth is found in Ephesians 5:33. Husbands must love their wives and wives must respect their husbands.

Emerson writes, "You may remember how the Beatles sang, 'All you need is love.' I absolutely disagree with that conclusion. Five out of ten marriages today are ending in divorce because love alone is not enough. Yes, love is vital, especially for the wife, but what we have missed is the husband's need for respect. This Love and Respect message is about how the wife can fulfill her need to be loved by giving her husband what he needs -- respect. And the husband can fulfill his need to be respected by giving his wife what she needs -- love. Does this always work? No. But if one is married to a person of good will, I would bet the farm that it would work!"

Emerson received his B.A. in Biblical Studies and an M.A. in Communications from Wheaton College and Graduate school. He was awarded his Masters in Divinity from Dubuque Seminary. Later, he earned his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in Child and Family Ecology. Emerson was the senior pastor of East Lansing Trinity church from 1980 to 1999. He loved the pastorate in this college town with nearly 45,000 students. When he came, the church had 450 in attendance, and when he left over 2000 attended. He oversaw a paid staff of 40. He also initiated a building program, relocating Trinity Church on 70 beautiful acres in the Lansing area. That was completed in the year 2000.

Focus on the Family is sponsoring many of the Love and Respect Conferences across the nation.

The book Love and Respect (The Love She Most Desires / The Respect He Desperately Needs) won two awards in 2005: the Gold Medallion and Retailers Choice.

The Love & Respect book has been selected as the 2007 Book of the
Year for Family Christian Stores."

* My Review:

If you find yourself wanting to better understand the differences between men and women, to discover simple biblical truths to help you with communicating with one another and to seek a powerful breakthrough for your marriage, then I highly recommend "Love & Respect" to you!

I have had the wonderful opportunity of reading Emerson's book Love & Respect, plus watching the DVD series that I absolutely love with my husband. What I like best about the author is the conversational tone he sets from the beginning. You immediately get the idea that many great principles on building a better marriage are being shared with you from the author's personal experiences of his own marriage and numerous sessions as a marriage counselor for twenty years. Emerson talks and shares from his heart. You will laugh and cry while reading along and identify with the characters and situations that you yourself are going through or have been through in your marriage.

Not only will Dr.Emerson Eggerichs show you life long habits and patterns of behavior that cause hurt, frustration and discouragement, what Emerson calls "the crazy cycle" that you and I can relate to but then Emerson offers valuable steps and good communication tools to heal and encourage that open the doors of love and trust again. The golden nuggets of simple solutions that yield great results can be found in Dr.Eggerichs' inspiring book. I am passionate about what Emerson is saying here, to be loved and respected is so powerful, affirming and life changing... 5+ stars!

For more information visit Dr.Emerson Eggerichs' site at:

To order book:
Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs

-- LadyD

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Blog Tour: You Were Born For This by Bruce Wilkerson and David Kopp

You Were Born For This: Bruce Wilkerson l LadyD Books
God Wants to Do a Miracle Through You

What if I told you that you missed a miracle yesterday? I don't mean you missed one on TV... I mean - you really missed one!

Bruce Wilkerson - author of the best-selling book - The Prayer of Jabez - discusses his new book - You Were Born for This - and explains how anyone can perform a miracle.

You Were Born for This: Seven Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles

His New York Times phenomenon The Prayer of Jabez changed how millions pray. Now Bruce Wilkinson wants to change what they do next.

Anyone can do a good deed, but some good works can only happen by a direct intervention from God. Around the world these acts are called miracles—not that even religious people expect to see one any time soon. But what would happen if millions of ordinary people walked out each morning expecting God to deliver a miracle through them to a person in need? You Were Born for This starts with the dramatic premise that everyone at all times is in need of a miracle, and that God is ready to meet those needs supernaturally through ordinary people who are willing to learn the “protocol of heaven.”

In the straightforward, story-driven, highly motivating style for which he is known, Wilkinson describes how anyone can be a “Delivery Guy” from heaven in such universally significant arenas of life as finances, practical help, relationships, purpose, and spiritual growth.

You Were Born for This will change how readers see their world, and what they expect God can do through them to meet real needs. They will master seven simple tools of service, and come to say with confidence, “I want to deliver a supernatural gift from God to someone in need today—and I expect to!”

Author Bios:

One of the world’s foremost Christian teachers, Bruce Wilkinson is best known as the author of the New York Times #1 bestseller The Prayer of Jabez. He is also the author of numerous other bestsellers, including A Life God Rewards, Secrets of the Vine, and The Dream Giver. Over the past three decades, Wilkinson has founded several global initiatives, including organizations that recruited and trained thousands of Americans to address hunger, AIDS, and poverty in Africa . Bruce and his wife, Darlene, have three children and six grandchildren. They live outside Atlanta .

David Kopp has collaborated with Bruce Wilkinson on over a dozen bestselling books, including The Prayer of Jabez. He is an editor and writer living in Colorado .

For more information on this author, visit Bruce Wilkerson's Website:

Product Details

* Hardcover: 240 pages
* Publisher: Multnomah Books (September 15, 2009)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1601421826
* ISBN-13: 978-1601421821

My Review:

Thank you WaterBrook Multnomah for inviting me to come aboard this blog tour for another winning book by Bruce Wilkerson! I am delighted to share my review of "You were Born For This - 7 Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles." I love this book because it is one that you will not want to put down. A book filled with hope and inspiration, refection and personal challenge. I have read all of Bruce's books and can easily say he is a great teacher of Christian principles.

What I learned the most from his book is how to be a unique, personal conduit for good in helping another fellow man. I have received many miracles in my lifetime and have witnessed others being blessed by someone's generosity towards them. But to experience being a part of a divine appointment for someone else and seeing them reap a blessing by bestowing seeds of kindness, meeting physical and emotional needs, plus uplifting and encouraging another person is truly a wonderful feeling of fulfillment and purpose as to why we're here and what's life all about really.

I could relate to the everyday miracles shared in Bruce's writings. This book will inspire you as you read about real stories of how just one person can make a difference in someone's life. What grabbed my heart was the simple outline and guidance on "how to" go about meeting another person's need. What makes this particular book a winner is the dynamic duo force of universal identity (I have a great need) and the application (God's work through you).
1 need + your part = a miracle... 5+ stars! I highly recommend this book to you!

Galations 5:25 "Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the spirits leading in every part of our lives." In the book, You Were Born For This, you'll learn to recognize God's gentle nudges to be a blessing to others!

You Were Born for This: Seven Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles

-- LadyD Books

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LadyD Books Got Tagged!

Peggys CoveImage via Wikipedia
Cheryl Malandrinos over at The Kids Book Connection tagged me today! That means that I have to play tag by answering a few little interview questions! Then I have to blog tag someone else! So, here are my answers and here are the bloggers I am tagging! I guess I’m it! By the way, Cheryl C. Malandrinos is a freelance writer, blogger, book reviewer and author. Her articles on time management and organization for Writer2Writer help writers increase productivity. She has also written articles on gardening, parenting, life in the 1800’s and women’s health issues.

Cheryl is a tour coordinator for Pump Up Your Book Promotion, an online public relations firm specializing in virtual book tours. A member of Musing Our Children, Ms.Malandrinos is also the editor of Pages & Pens, the quarterly newsletter of Musing Our Children. Her first Christian children’s book will be released by Guardian Angel Publishing in late 2010.

The Kids Book Connection is a branch of The Book Connection. Here you will find book reviews, interviews with children’s authors, guest bloggers, and special features.

1. Which words do you use too much in your writing?

"Discover"...If I could just stop using “discover” when I’m writing, then I would be thrilled to discover a new word.

2. Which words do you consider overused in stuff you read?

Words such as “well”, “well then” and “well, why not?”.

3. What are your other favorite blogs?

There are so many to list! I’ll mention a few:

Vintage Kids Books

The PlanetEsme

Maw Books Blog

4. Name a favorite word:

“Creative”, having the quality or power of creating and resulting from originality of thought, expression. Blogs stimulate creative writing filled with creative ideas and activities to explore!

5. And a word you’re not so keen on:

“Here”, when it is used many times in blogging. When you read along and someone says "Click here", "Go here" or "Visit here".

6. What would you like to improve about your writing and/or blog?

I would like to have more clarity and grace for more own writing!

7. What’s your writing ambition?

To write compelling stories that are not boring to bring joy to a child's heart!

I now blog tag the following blogs / bloggers:

Write for a Reader by Shelly B

Cindy's Love Of Books by Cindy from Canada

Brimful Curiosities - mommy blog


Elysabeth's Emerald City by author Elysabeth Eldering

-- LadyD

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How To Publish a Children's Book Online by Karen Zara

book_case_luluImage by Terry Freedman via Flickr
I think you might like this article, "How To Publish a Children's Book Online" by Karen Zara. I am always asking questions regarding book publishing and I learned so much from the many options shared here. I have posted the entire writing and publishing article here:

"Before you publish a children’s book online, you should know that you have several online publishing options to choose from. Learn more about them and pick the one which best suits your children’s book author needs.

Publish a Children’s Book - Online Fiction Archives

While most online fiction archives cater to teenagers and adults, several of these Web sites contain sections that allow you to publish a children’s book online.

One such site is FictionPress. This huge fiction archive doesn’t set any word count and chapter limits. Moreover, registration is 100% free. Therefore, you can publish your children’s book online on this site without any worries. Don’t forget to select the Kids category when you upload your stories.

Another alternative is This huge, high-traffic writers site offers a Children’s category, so you can use it to publish a children’s book online. However, this fiction archive does impose various limits on registered authors, depending on their account level. As a result, you may need a premium account if you want to publish a children’s book online via

You may also want to consider LitPitch. When you publish a children’s book online on that Web site, you will be able to indicate the age range to which your target readers should belong. Note that whereas all pieces on LitPitch can be read for free, you as the children’s book author must pay a fee to upload your piece.

Publish a Children’s Book Online - Content Sites

Content sites like Associated Content and Triond also offer you the possibility to publish a children’s book online. Although children’s book publishing is not their specialty, it is usually not against their rules either. Anyway, make sure to read each content site’s terms of service before uploading anything.

Keep in mind that content sites are mainly designed to host stand-alone articles. Consequently, when you use them to publish a children’s book online you will have to be creative and find a way to interlink all of its chapters manually, as you won’t find any tools to do this automatically. You can try to use tags to link your children’s book chapters together, but depending on the chosen content site, this may not be a viable solution.

Publish a Children’s Book - Online POD resources

Online print on demand (POD) publishing services like may be just what you need if you want to publish a children’s book online.

One huge advantage of such services is the fact that you can start publishing your children’s books online without spending a single penny. Moreover, you may also make your children’s stories available in print format if you wish. However, print books produced by POD companies tend to be rather expensive. On the other hand, if all you want is to publish a children’s book online, you will have much more control over the piece’s final price.

Did you catch the last point the author made? This is quite important to me because when you begin this journey you have an idea of what you want even up to the point of submitting an online book for publication. So, you can let folks know what you want, what you have in mind. one of my piano students wrote his first mystery book and was quite pleased with the finished product through He gave his book to family members as Christmas presents. I was so very proud of him.

These are just a few of the many online publishing options available to children’s book writers. Now it is only a matter of time until you get to publish a children’s book online."

-- LadyD

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