
Action Blog Tour: Wisdom Hunter and Shadow Government

Wisdom Hunter

Wisdom Hunter: A Novel (Paperback)

Product Description

This rerelease of Randall Arthur's bestselling novel presents the hypocrisy of Christian legalism and a man's search for the only surviving member of his family. The story's hero, Pastor Jason Faircloth, embarks on a journey that lasts eighteen years and takes him through four countries of a quest to find the granddaughter who is being hidden from him. In a process that mirrors our own spiritual journey, he discovers a rich relationship with God and the peace that finally comes with true faith.

Wisdom Hunter Summary:

Propelled into a quest for the granddaughter no one wants him to find, Jason Faircloth discovers that knowing it all could cost him everything he has. A fast-paced suspense novel, Wisdom Hunter explores what it means to break free of Christian legalism—and why grace can mean the difference between life and death.

My Review:

Wisdom Hunter is truly a great book that I can honestly say it forever impacted my life. This adventurous novel brilliantly written by Randall Arthur is action packed and immediately draws you in from the beginning, as a good book should and then you find that you've arrived at the last page within a day or two. Wisdom Hunter will reach your mind and your heart! It truly is a powerful experience to read and your heart will be changed.

I thought about how I could add to others description of this book since the reviews I've read are top notch in my book regarding Randall's amazing novel. I decided that through the emotional events of family crisis' that transpired with the main character of the book, Pastor Jason Faircloth, it is here that I felt my heart burst forth with cries out loud. Page after page Randall Arthur paints lives of people who have been hurt by their afflictions.

It is here that the author sounds the warning of uniformity in the church that destroys one's need of individual thinking and of truly accepting our differences. Randall's thoughts on this subject are very profound. Then we discover grace is ushered in and the work of change begins when one admits sincerely before others and their creator the need for a heart change.

If you are on the journey of searching for what is true and want to know why you believe then this book is for you. Having arrived at a place in one's life where you are reviewing your life versus regretting your life, then I most respectfully recommend this book to you. A heart that has been rebuilt seeks wisdom and understanding and I especially love how Randall so appropriately named his book, Wisdom Hunter. Funny thing is that when you come alongside the characters in this book and you've been touched by genuine humility and compassion for them, you just might find yourself being drawn to be more sensitive to the hurts of others.

I am so appreciative that this was book was provided for review by WaterBrook Multnomah. Wisdom Hunter, a must read... 5+ stars

Author Bio:

Randall Arthur is the bestselling author of Jordan’s Crossing and Brotherhood of Betrayal. He and his wife have served as missionaries to Europe for over thirty years. From 1976 till 1998, he lived in Norway and Germany as a church planter. Since 2000, he has taken numerous missions teams from the United States on trips all over Europe . Arthur is also the founder of the AOK (Acts of Kindness) Bikers’ Fellowship, a group of men who enjoy the sport of motorcycling. He and his family live in Atlanta,Georgia .

I might add here that I am a member of Biker's For Christ and play the keyboard on the worship team. Pastor Fred Z is the founder of BFC and currently has established over 5,000 churches... small world yet the unity of Christian bikers is profound.

About the Author

Randall Arthur is the author of Wisdom Hunter, a controversial novel about the effects of legalistic Christianity. Arthur and his family are part of a missions agency that assists Eastern European churches reach their areas with the gospel. They are currently involved in planting a church in Berlin.

Product Details

* Paperback: 336 pages
* Publisher: Multnomah Books (September 20, 2003)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 1590522591

Wisdom Hunter: A Novel


Shadow Government

Shadow Government Summary:

Grant Jeffrey reveals biblical prophecies that describe Satan’s work at the end of the age, as the evil one installs the Antichrist as the world’s unrivaled leader. The Antichrist will use technology to record the beliefs and loyalties of every person alive, in order to force their allegiance upon penalty of death.

Author Bio:

Grant R. Jeffrey is the internationally known prophecy researcher, Mideast expert, and author of Countdown to the Apocalypse, The New Temple and the Second Coming, The Next World War, and twenty other best-selling books. He is also the editor of the Prophecy Study Bible. His popular television program, Bible Prophecy Revealed, airs weekly on TBN. Jeffrey earned his master’s and PhD degrees from Louisiana Baptist University . He and his wife, Kaye, live in Toronto .

More of Grant R. Jeffrey:

Grant R. Jeffrey is a Canadian Bible teacher of Bible prophecy/eschatology and biblical archaeology and a leading proponent of dispensational, evangelical Christianity. As chairman of Frontier Research Publications for more than 20 years, Jeffrey’s 25 books have sold into the millions of copies and have been translated into 24 languages. He also appears on television and radio shows, particularly on Christian programs, and also attends speaking engagements around the globe.

In 1982, Jeffrey earned a Chartered Life Underwriter Certification from the University of Toronto's Extension Program. He later received his Master's Degree and Ph.D., in Biblical Studies, from Louisiana Baptist University. The university holds no secular academic accreditations, though the school has a number of accreditations from groups which accredit Christian schools. He has also done post-doctoral research in Apologetics and Theology, at Oxford University.

In 1999, Jeffrey's book, The Millennium Meltdown, reached #2 on the Publishers Weekly bestseller list for religious paperbacks.[7] In 2000, his novel, The Spear of Tyranny, which he co-wrote with Angela Hunt, won the Christy Award for futuristic, Christian fiction.

In 2005, Trinity Broadcasting Network began broadcasting a 30-minute, weekly program entitled, Bible Prophecy Revealed, hosted by Jeffrey.

He currently lives in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, with his wife, Kaye.

For more information, visit his website at:

My Thoughts

Shadow Government explains how governments and corporations are using technology to invade your privacy and even setting up a precursor to the Anti-Christ's one-world government. Truths revealed in this book will bring the reader cautious concern and an unveiling of inevitable events that will cause one to make a decision for their future and their loved ones as well. This book's main point with research data and Biblical scripture simply say, do not take the mark of the beast! Frightening, shocking and revealing... get the book! 5/5 stars!

Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You

These books are provided for review by various Publishing Groups.

All the best,
~ LadyD Books

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