
Review: Jesus is for Everybody- Building A Personal Relationship with God

Product Description

This book is about life, not religion. God is with us right now and wisdom exists where our intellect meets salvation. JESUS is for Everybody explains how to build a personal relationship with God based on the teachings of Jesus Christ associated with common knowledge... My goal is to provide insight into the way of life that leads to the Kingdom of God as illustrated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ... I write about developing a personal relationship with God in terms of life, rather than religion. I believe God's message is fact and not left to human opinion, and we should discontinue blaming one another for acts performed by religious groups in the past. It is acceptable to search our heart in understanding the foundation for our beliefs. God provides us the extensive knowledge to seek wisdom from the writings of many people dedicated to making a contribution in life... Without including the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the scriptures are merely a sequence of historical events just like the others... JESUS is for Everybody illustrates that: "God loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son. Anyone who believes in Him will not die but will have eternal life...

About the Author:

The name "Sophia" in Greek means wisdom. I am Greek and my Aunt's name is Sophia. She is a lovely person who has influenced my life greatly as a Christian. The author of Jesus is for Everyone says, "Through illustrations and analogies I want to help people comprehend the consistency of God's message..." Sophia works as an Information Technology Auditor residing in Washington DC. Sophia desires to teach new believers about God by explaining life illustrated through the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Sophia demystifies the truths of the Bible and helps Christians find their way around the propaganda surrounding religion and back to the simple truths surrounding God's love. she adds, "It is a matter of what we believe that drives faith."

Product Details

* Paperback: 316 pages
* Publisher: iUniverse (January 2, 2009)
* Language: English
* ISBN-10: 0595719856
* ISBN-13: 978-0595719853

Jesus is for Everybody
My Review:

Sophia has a great understanding that the basic nature of humanity is self-preservation. I think that's what makes grace so beautiful on the undeserving heart because it's God's kindness that leads us to repentance. I like Sophia's approach to the Gospel being for everyone no matter how much money, education or power attained, the need for humanity to reconcile with God is the heart of the Gospel message and is the solid teaching in Sophia's book.

Another part of Sophia's book that I like is surrendering to the Holy Spirit. Although we really think we know what we need based on what we know so far, we really need to relinquish overall control to the director of our future for His purpose. My favorite chapters of the book are Faith & Prayer, Faith & Love and Church & Giving.

Sophia does a great job in mapping out the believer's mission to show the world how God lives through us by how we continuously honor Him in the good we show others. If you're looking for an intellectual approach and strong convictions on serious subjects such as the rights of the unborn, discussion on race, split target marketing with black gospel/ Christian contemporary music pick up a copy of the book today.

Jesus Is for Everybody

The one thing that I did not like about the book was this overall sense of being 'talked at' instead of 'talked with'. I missed reading "What do you think?" or 'What is your experience or opinion?'

I give Jesus is for Everybody 4 stars. You will find so much information packed into Sophia's book that it will take you several days to process and review her opinions. Being a Grandmother, I am fond of Sophia's writings about decisions that drive success, about children's mistakes of today becoming wisdom for tomorrow and from page 206 " As we learn to love, we recognize that unconditional support can build unlimited self-esteem." Sophia White revitalizes that love with an exploration of the scriptures of the Bible and the intimate relationship we were meant to have with God in "Jesus is for Everybody."

Warmest Regards,
~ LadyD

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