
Friday 56: 1,001 Timely Tips For Clutter Control

1,001 Timely Tips For Clutter Control

This is a great book for knowing what to keep when to toss and how to store your stuff. Reading through the pages will help you make your own organized decisions and actions easier. Clutter control is not difficult when you have a plan. I especially like the quote from Clutters Anonymous, "Clutter is anything we don't need, want, or use that takes our time, energy, or space and destroys our serenity." I like the book because it helps you with the necessary tools to get your life back on track.

5/5 stars! Recommend!

Book Content

Chapter 1: The Kitchen

  • The pantry
  • The refrigerator and freezer
  • Kitchen Countertops
  • Kitchen Cupboards
  • Kitchen Drawers 
Chapter 2: The Family Room

Chapter 3: The Dining Room

Chapter 4: The Home Office

Chapter 5: The Bedroom

Chapter 6: The Clothes Closet

Chapter 7: The Bathroom

Chapter 8: The Linen Closet

Chapter 9: The Hobby Room

Chapter 10: The Laundry Room

Chapter 11: The Garage

Chapter 12: The Car

Chapter 13: The Attic or Basement

Chapter 14: Garage Sales

Chapter 15: Shopping

Chapter 16: Time Management

Chapter 17: Relocating

Chapter 18: Holidays and Entertaining

Chapter 19: Traveling

The Friday #56


* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions 
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* Don't dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.
Here's mine:
"When you're in the family room, you are most likely sitting down and enjoying the company of other people or engaging in a quiet activity."
1001 Timely Tips for Clutter Control

I like that! :) 
Have a great weekend everyone!

Warmest Regards,
~ LadyD


  1. I could probably do with a book giving tips on clearing up clutter LOL

    Mine is here:


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