
Books Bought #11

Chicka Chicka

Books Bought is a meme hosted by Cindy of Cindy’s Love of Books. 

Perhaps you would like to join in the fun. It's really quite simple to do. Just share a list of your book purchases in a post on your blog and let us know what treasure you've found. Sometimes I have found some great sales on children's books at Barnes and Noble, other times through and then in our small town right next to our library is a book store.

Here's my list:

1. Chicka Chicka 123 
by Bill Martin Jr.

5 stars! It's a great counting book, silly and fun. There are numbers climbing an apple tree. 1-20 climb, and then counting by 10's until 100 is at the top of the apple tree!

2. You Were Loved Before You Were Born
by Eve Bunting

5 stars! I love Eve Bunting's books. being a grandmother, her books show the children warm security of belonging being loved by the family. My favorite line: "We were all waiting... and then you came!"

3. So Happy
by Kevin Henkes

5 stars! Warm-hearted picture book about a rainy day with gorgeous illustrations.
I know you love books...

So tell me, what books did you buy?

I hope you enjoy your stay at LadyD Books.
Thanks for stopping by!
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