
The Bridging of Two Cultures with Allen Say

 When thinking about family, Allen Say's book, Grandfather's Journey is a must to add to your library. It is a sensitive, soothing universal journey for all to read. I have not read the book before other than today, nor have I read any other of Say's writings. But this particular book grabbed my heart because it speaks of family.

Through compelling reminiscences of his grandfather's life in America and Japan, Allen Say delivers a poignant account of his family's unique cultural experience.

He warmly conveys his own love for his two countries and describes the strong and constant desire to be in both places at once: When in one country, he invariably misses the other. His grandfather, he tells us, would understand.

One thing you can really say about his illustrations is that the Pacific Ocean, the farm fields, and of course, the palm trees all paint California landscapes perfectly.

Allen Say was born in Yokohama, Japan, and he came to the U.S. when he was sixteen. He lives in San Francisco. Other books you may want to look into are:

El Chino

The Lost Lake

A River Dream

The Bicycle Man

From my own experience of reading many children's books, this one gets ***** stars!
The illustrations are beautiful, the story is precious and true and the interview on the cd is worth purchasing the book. Allen Say's voice is so soothing to listen to; a gentle spirit.
Grandfather's Journey

-- LadyD
“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” — C. S. Lewis

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