
Book Review: The Goodness of God

The Goodness of God


Product Description

Through Pain and Tears…
Finding a Way to God’s Heart

For those times when we’re wounded by broken trust, assaulted by disease, or victimized by evil—or when we’re crushed to see such things happen to people we love—Randy Alcorn offers something solid to hold onto.

In this specially focused condensation of Alcorn’s If God Is Good…: Faith in the Midst of Suffering and Evil, we’re continually guided into a deeper glimpse of God’s loving ways and higher purposes—the very things we’re often most blinded to whenever we battle pain and anguish.

Alcorn avoids superficial or sentimental responses, and instead presses forward boldly to explore all the troubling doubts and questions that agitate within us when we confront suffering and evil.

The issues are far from simple, the answers far from easy—but Alcorn shows how the way of suffering—a path that Jesus himself followed more than anyone else—can ultimately become a journey into wholeness and even logic-defying joy.

About the Author

Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries and a best-selling author. His novels include Deadline, Dominion, Deception, Edge of Eternity, Lord Foulgrin’s Letters, The Ishbane Conspiracy, and the Gold Medallion winner, Safely Home. He has written numerous nonfiction books as well, including Heaven, The Treasure Principle, The Purity Principle, and The Grace and Truth Paradox. Randy and his wife, Nanci, live in Oregon and have two married daughters.

My Review:

First off, this little hardcover book with 11 chapters will stir your emotions as you read about truths on suffering, a subject that we naturally seem to stay clear of. What impressed me the most about the author, Randy Alcorn,  is his professional ability to take painful experiences and scenarios that all of us at one time have experienced and lead us to a safe place to rest upon like holding onto a buoy while the storm's of life crush all around us.

How many times have I personally talked with mothers who lost their children too soon and haven't wanted to respond with a superficial response! After reading the book, I am encouraged with scriptural references that I can share confidently with others who are hurting or going through a difficult time that God is good and will be with us through the hurt and indeed has a greater purpose, yet to be revealed. In light of the recent tragedy in Arizona with unnecessary shootings, this little book of hope will grant wisdom and insights to the reader seeking answers to some of the life's most difficult questions in hurting with pain, tears, and suffering. **** stars!

Thanks to Waterbrook Multnomah publishers for providing a copy for review.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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