
Book Review: Out Live Your Life

Out Live Your Life

I often think about and ask myself these questions:

1. What impact will I leave with my readers when I write a blog post?
2. As a grandma, I wonder what will be my legacy? 
3. Finally, who will help me make an impact on the world? 

So, when a book comes along that challenges me in these areas, I love to share it with you. Here is a very good one I just finished reading.

Book Description:

Hardcover: 240 pages
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (September 14, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0849920698
ISBN-13: 978-0849920691

Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make A Difference

A Few Chapters Listed:

1. Our Once-in-History Opportunity
2. Let God Unshell You
3. Don't Forget the Bread
4. Stand Up for the Have-Nots
5. Blast a Few Walls
6. Pray First. Pray Most.

About the Author

Max Lucado, Minister of Writing and Preaching for the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, is the husband of Denalyn and father of Jenna, Andrea, and Sara. On a good week he reads a good book, has a few dinners with his wife, and breaks 90 on the golf course.

Max Lucado's books, ranging from illustrated storybooks to nonfiction and biblical commentary, have sold 50 million copies and have been translated into 28 languages. 

He is the only author to have won three Christian Book of the Year awards—in 1999 for Just Like Jesus:  Learning to Have a Heart Like His, in 1997 for In the Grip of Grace: Your Father Always Caught You. He Still Does, and in 1995 for When God Whispers Your Name.
In 2005, Reader’s Digest magazine dubbed him “America’s Best Preacher” and in 2004, Christianity Today magazine called him America’s Pastor.”

About The Book:

The stories are of what Max calls regular folks doing what they can to help anybody else. Early in the opening pages of the book they meet people like Joe and Liz who make doll-sized wardrobes for premature kids. Nine-year-old Caleb who raised  money to drill two water wells in El Salvador. Stockbroker Nicholas Winton who saved 669 Jewish children from the ravages of Hitler’s death camps.

 Beginning with Finding Father Benjamin: A Fable,  Max Lucado drives home the idea to see a man & where he lives is to view all the lives one man touches. It is a refreshing look at finding Jesus in all areas of our lives, in the hurting, in the helpless, & in the hopeful.

What follows is sixteen tales, or chapters, with a passage based on the characters & events of the Book of Acts, followed by passage of scripture and a concluding prayer. These are short chapters that retell the events of the early church. Any focus on the early church sparks something in a true believer. I began to reckon about if I’d have been so bold as those of the early Church.

At the back of the book are a Discussion and action Guide. It is filled with references and quick questions and ends with a list of ideas for application.

What golden nugget did I take from reading this book? To spread the love of Jesus
and to do much more with your life than just get to the end. To discover that God doesn’t want you to just live; He wants you to outlive your life!

You were made to  make a difference. I pray you will discover what that is for you this new year and then your plan on how to go about it. I pray that for myself as well. The chapter that really grabbed my heart was, "Let God Unshell You."

One final point is that One hundred percent of the author royalties from Outlive Your Life products will benefit children and families through World Vision and other ministries of faith-based compassion. 

Thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishers for the opportunity to review this wonderful book. ***** stars!

-- LadyD 

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me.” — C. S. Lewis


  1. I hadn't heard about the release of this book, so I'm so glad you read it and wrote about it. Amazing that 100% of the proceeds will help families. Bravo, Mr. Lucida.

  2. Outlive Your Life: You Were Made to Make a Difference by Max Lucado is a great book. It has a powerful message that all of us can adapt to our own situations. The book contains numerous short parable type stories to help relay his messages. Each of them shows us how we can make a difference in our everyday life without the money or fame but just with the simple acts of regular, everyday people. Each person can change the world one step at a time. This book is a great book to read and go over as a family to discuss.


As always, so nice to hear from you!