
Quote It: Pansy and the Daisy

"A pansy and a daisyOnce in the same yard grew,The daisy was a snowy white,The pansy a purple-blue.Said the pansy to the daisy,"I am prettier than you,For you are simply gold and white,And I am purply-blue."The daisy bravely smiled,And turned her head away,And stayed in that positionTo this very day."

-- Author unknown

Oh, the joy of personifying flowers. I remember one time a few years back, I had been the recipient of a free flat of Pansies from our local nursery. I love the Pansy for it has always reminded me of sweet, happy faces of children. Having received so many plants that day, I decided to share half of the flat with my dear mother-in-law. In her lovely flower garden, I discovered Daisies growing and so this cute poem came to my mind. 

Wishing my dear readers, Happy Spring... Happy Easter!

Quote It Saturday is a weekly meme hosted by Freda's Voice.

Come join us!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. You participate in some really fun meme's. I think pansy's are cute. I feel the same way about Gebera Daisies.


  2. Wonderful photos and poem! Thanks for participating, though Quote It is on vacation while I move and will return May 7.


As always, so nice to hear from you!