
Legos to Lincoln Logs

I am so used to taking my camera outside and looking for yellow, especially when it comes to flowers. 

Sometimes I can find the color yellow right inside my home. 

I don't have to look far when my grandson comes to visit.

From Legos to Lincoln Logs, he is always busily building something of interest.

This building and playing with yellow rings, you know stacking the rings, is very serious stuff!

So, for the many, many brave men and women who sacrifice so much; past, present and future, we thank you and say:
Let liberty ring throughout our land! 


  1. those are neat pictures you got there. love the yellow cottage with a blue roof in it. cool!

    my entry for MYM today is up, please check it out too A Big Bus To Kawasan

  2. He looks like a very creative young man, I really like his creation in the next to last photo. Great yellows!


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