
Quote It Saturday: Chuck Swindoll

Welcome to Quote It!

Please feel free to grab the button and create your own post.
Add as many quotes as you wish, from whom ever you wish. It can even be lyrics to a song.
Just tell us who it is. Anonymous welcome too.
And please leave your link.

Meme Host: Freda's Voice

"Each day of our lives we make deposits in the memory banks of our children."  ~Charles R. Swindoll, The Strong Family

I am indeed a very blessed woman to have four lovely grandchildren from my sweet  daughters and wonderful son.

4 Grandsons: LadyD Books

Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day! 
Enjoy because they grow so quickly...
and thank you for stopping by again and again.

Today we are heading off to the Wild Animal Park. I'm prepared to take 2000 photos of animals and grandkids!

What will you be doing?

With appreciation,



  1. Oh what precious babies, and a fantastic quote! Thanks for sharing, and have a very blessed Mother's Day!

  2. I can't be with my own mother so I will be with my in-law. She is awesome too!
    Thanks for participating and Happy Mothers Day!

  3. They are so cute!!!Boring day today...
    Follow me back!


As always, so nice to hear from you!