
Book Review: Story Engineering

Story Engineering: LadyD Books

 About The Book:

From story concept to character development to scene construction and beyond, this blueprint for dynamic storytelling makes putting together a strong novel, memoir, or screenplay easier than ever. Beginning writers in all genres--from fiction writers to nonfiction writers to screenplay writers will learn how to wrap their heads around the big picture of storytelling at a professional level through a new approach that shows how to combine six core competencies: the four elemental competencies of concept, character, theme, and story structure (plot); and the two executional competencies of scene construction and writing voice. You'll discover how to achieve the greatest potential in your story through mastering the way these six factors combine and empower each other on the page. 

Product Details

  • Paperback: 288 pages
  • Publisher: Writers Digest Books; 1 edition (February 24, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1582979987
  • ISBN-13: 978-1582979984 

My Review

Whether you've been writing stories ever since you can remember or you've just begun, like so many of us, you will need a map (blueprint plan) to get to where you want to go. Hopefully, that means seeing your stories published and in the hands of wonderful readers.

Larry lays done the right foundation to the essential elements of story architecture, in his book Story Engineering: Mastering The 6 Core Competences of Successful Writing, released by Writer's Digest Books. If you're hungry to see your novel or screenplay published one day, and you realize that things are just not flowing for you right now or perhaps you're discouraged with the many re-writes or rejections you've received... I believe you will find the answers in this amazing book of treasures (Larry's professional experiences) that work.

I love the book (especially the music comparisons) and I see "Story Engineering" as a great tool box for writer's. The tips will help you fix your story. A wealth of valuable information is being shared and you will feel as if you're sitting under a waterfall. Once you come up for air, you will begin to write your story, your dream with passion and with understanding more successfully.

***** stars to Larry Brooks and this awesome book. 

Thanks to Thomas Nelson Publishers for providing the book for review. I was not compensated for my honest opinion.
Story Engineering.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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