
Just Add Water


                                                          Outdoor Wednesday


                                                                                                                   Wordless Wednesday


                                                                Wordful Wednesday 

I live in Southern California, the "land of sunshine" with very little rain. Although just this past winter we received quite a bit of free water and all the farmers rejoiced!

While I was visiting in San Francisco, I took these outdoor photos and was mesmerized at all the water that was gushing out abundantly. Hence, the thought came to my mind, 'Oh yeah, just add water and your lawn can look like this, too!"

I am indeed blessed to be living in an avocado grove. We use a different irrigation system. Yes, our water bill is a bit pricey and I won't ask you how much your water bill is... But, I thought I would ask, what type of sprinkler do you use?

Happy Wednesday!

-- LadyD


  1. That garden is beautiful! Are those rhododendrons? I love those, along with hydrangeas! Wish I had either one.


  2. Beautiful, I love the lush green and the flowers. We have an underground sprinkler system, this is a big yard. Normally by now we would be using it but so far Mother Nature has provided the water, not for much longer I suspect.

  3. It is a beautiful garden! I just walk around and spray the garden and shrubs, etc with an old fashion hose! lol



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