

A great photography meme that I like is called Skywatch Friday

If you enjoy the sunrise, sunset, clouds, and views that are forever changing, then you know the sky is endless from all points of view and perspectives. That means tons of fabulous photos to capture and enjoy, plus share with one another along the way.

Golden Sunrise: LadyD Books

Sunrise Glow: LadyD Books

While heading South from up North in California, on one particular day in the wee early morning hours, this is what I saw driving along on the freeway and took the pics from inside my car window... amazing, really. Prelude to a very warm day!

What did you capture? 

Happy Skywatch Friday! 
-- LadyD

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  1. hello newest follower from the hop look forward to reading your blog nice pics especially from inside the car


As always, so nice to hear from you!