
Life Lessons for Women

I just returned from my summer vacation. It was pleasant weather, seeing the refreshing Bay of San Francisco, along with spending quality time with special family members. Over time, perhaps I'll share a few highlights of my trip but for now, it's good to be back home. I'm just in time for the book meme  that LadyD Books participates with others on Friday!

The Friday 56:
Grab a book, any book.
Turn to page 56. 
Find any sentence that grabs you. Post it. 
Add the post url, not your blog url @ Freda's Voice

Book by Stephanie Marston, Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

 My choice this week is not just one sentence because I just couldn't stop... So, here goes:

"Mom had a standard line she used to politely decline requests. "That won't work out for me, she'd say. If the caller persisted she repeated the line, "It just won't work out for me." My sisters and I used to laugh at the vagueness of the phrase, but now I understand the sheer genius of it. It says nothing but conveys everything. As an added bonus, it leaves nothing open to argument. If it won't work out for you that's pretty much the end of it. What more is there to say?"
I think this book is a good one for gift-giving. Not all Chicken Soup for the Soul books in the series in enjoyable reading for everyone. My Aunt gave this to me in the summer of '07 and I'm reading it again because of the questions asked within the pages. I like them for indeed, they're thought-provoking. 

Here are some examples: 

1. What are the three things I've accomplished in my life that I'm most proud of?

2. How do the people in my life see me? What do they come to me for?

3. What are my top 10 core values and principles?

4. When I'm 80, what will I regret having done or not done?

5. What am I currently doing that is absolutely right for me?

Have you read Life Lessons for Women: 7 Essential Ingredients for a Balanced Life? Perhaps you have asked yourself a question or two? Please, let me know.


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. I like the sound of that phrase...I'm going to try it some time!

    I'm envious...I LOVE San Francisco. I lived there back in the day.


  2. I LOVE the Chicken Soup books! Thanks for participating!


As always, so nice to hear from you!