
The Friday 56: The Story of Music

Your Guide to the Orchestra Through Sounds and Stories
 Page 56

"The flute is one of the earliest instruments in the world. It goes right back to the Stone Age, two or three million years ago. People discovered that if they made holes in pieces of animal bone, or bark, or shells, they could blow down them and produce notes."

Aristotle, ancient Greek philosopher said, "The flute is not an instrument which has a good moral effect. It is too exciting."

Just think of how many times you heard the flute play a starring role, like in Mozart's opera The Magic Flute!

Product Description

From the cello to the clarinet to the trumpet to the drums, Those Amazing Musical Instruments! takes readers on a musical tour, with notes on the history, construction and sounds of the instruments from each of the major instrument "families." They can see the parts of the violin working together, read about the flute in Mozart's "The Marriage of Figaro," or hear the different sounds of the tuba on the included CD-ROM. This interactive CD-ROM includes individual musical samples giving readers an audible taste of each instrument, as well as full orchestra pieces showing how they play together.

About the Author

Genevieve Helsby graduated from Durham University with an MA in music, was Literary Editor at Chandos Records, then served at Oxford University Press before becoming Editorial Manager with

Marin Alsop guides readers through the instruments, offering helpful tips and commentary throughout the book. She is Music Director of the Baltimore Symphony and Gramophone magazine's 2003 Artist of the Year. 

About The Book

The book is set up in sections: Introduction/Orchestra/Seating/Sound Waves; Strings; Woodwinds; Brass; Percussion; Keyboards; Voice; Electronic Instruments; Conductor; and even a Dictionary! An overview is given for each of the sections and each instrument has sound files on the CD-ROM. The photographs of each instrument are colorful, with the parts labeled. The descriptions include famous people who learned to play that instrument, how it is played, different genres where it is used; ranges of the instrument and its relationship to the range of the entire orchestra.

This book not only includes orchestral instruments, but some folk instruments such as guitar (acoustic and electric) and mandolin. The Woodwind section includes 5 of the recorders, great bass, bass, tenor, alto, soprano, and sopranino!

 This is a great book for ages 9-12.

To play along, Rules: *Grab a book, any book. *Turn to page 56. *Find any sentence that grabs you. *Post it. *Add your link to The Friday 56

 This is my first time participating in Book Blogger Hop. To answer the question, and it is a good one, I am all for first impressions. So, I enjoy sharing with everyone that I am Greek and enjoy being a grandma of 4. Plus, letting folks know I am passionate about music education and children's literature. For more info, read "All About Me" tab. Then join Book Blogger Hop.

LadyD Books is participating in the following Friday memes:

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. WOW, I can't believe the flute has been around that long! How cool is that?!
    Thanks for participating!

  2. It's intriguing to know more about musical instruments. We sometimes just take them for granted. Thanks for sharing.


  3. Hi!
    Sounds like a great book. I'll have to check this one out. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  4. I love your profile - it's upbeat and fun and covers all the important stuff! So glad to have found you via the Hop :)

  5. NEW FOLLOWER...great header.

    Hopping by from the blog hop.

    Stop by my blog to see my answer if you like.


  6. I wasn't aware the flute has that much history. I guess it goes to show that humans have always had a need for music in their lives.

    This sounds like a great book for kids.


As always, so nice to hear from you!