
Turkey Sky

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I have an incredible view, sitting up high on a little mountain top all to myself, way above the avocado trees!

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The sky is forever changing right before my eyes. That's what I like about it when a threatening storm is passing through.

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We get so excited here on the West Coast when there is a prediction of rain. All the ranchers rejoice! Then again, the storm just might pass us by and so we wait for another one to come. We carry on, attending our avocado grove with our own water system. We look forward to free water when it happens. 

How is it with you and your parts where you live?

If you have the time, visit other beautiful skies from all around the world at SkyWatch Friday.

So, I'll be hosting a giveaway pretty soon. Check back with me if you're interested. The CollageIt for Mac 1.4.0 is an easy-to-use and automatic photo collage maker for Mac OS X. Here's another example:

I can see those clouds rolling by!

These cloud patterns remind me of this children's book!

Tony Johnston and Rich Deas

 "Looky!" says a silly turkey swinging from a vine.
Gobble gobble wibble wobble.
Whoops! Now there are nine."

Girls and boys will gobble up this hilarious counting story about ten goofy turkeys roller-skating on a fence, doing a noodle dance, and more! Give thanks! This Thanksgiving favorite is now available as a board book with foil cover.  10 Fat Turkeys.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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