
The African Daisy

Flowers for Saturday is a weekly meme hosted by Ewa Kelly

We have a lot of open fields around our place, so we are always finding banks of African Daisies. They burst into color anytime of the year here in southern California. Do you have them where you are?

African daisy is a summer-flowering plant with flowers like daisies that bloom in white, blue and shades of pink. Some kinds have a ring of contrasting color right around the yellow center.

Quote it Saturday is a weekly meme hosted at Freda's Voice. 

I just love Maya Angelou.  She has so many wonderful sayings that it's difficult to pick one but here's one of my favorites to share with you today. Do you have a favorite?
 "Love is that condition in the human spirit so profound that it allows me to survive, and better than that, to thrive with passion, compassion, and style."
          -- Maya Angelou

 South African Sweet Potato Fritters

1 egg — beaten
1 teaspoon Salt, freshly ground black pepper — to taste
1 tablespoon Peanut oil for frying
1 lb sweet potatoes — peeled and p; cut in 1/2
0.5 cup flour

In a heavy saucepan or fryer, heat 2 inches of oil to 375 degrees. Grate the sweet potatoes into medium-sized bowl, cover them with boiling water and let them stand for 15 minutes. Drain off the water and slowly add the flour, egg, salt and pepper, stirring to make sure that they are well mixed. You should have a thickish paste that will hold its shape when picked up in a tablespoon. If the mixture is too thick, add a bit of warm water. If it is too thin, add a bit more flour. Drop the mixture, a few tablespoons at a time, into the hot oil and cook the fritters for 3 to 5 minutes, or until they float to the surface, turning them once to make sure that they are slightly browned on each side. Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot. For variations of this dish throughout the continent combine the sweet potato, a New World tuber, with an African culinary technique. One of the tricks to great fritters is to use clean oil and to make sure that the oil is hot enough before beginning. These fritters can be accompanied by a spicy hot sauce when served as an appetizer course. Alternatively, they can be lightly dusted with sugar and served as a dessert. Daisy Recipes
I love sweet potatoes! Have a yummy recipe to share?

LadyD Books is participating in the following,

Have a great weekend,

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Being a southern girl born and bred I love anything with sweet potatoes. This sounds yummy!
    That is a great Maya Angelou quote.

  2. You got me so excited with the sweet potatoes I forgot one of the main reasons I came over....for the flowers. Those daisies are gorgeous. Our flowers are gone and garden area is cover with snow.

  3. Dear Ladies,

    I'm the lucky one. Thanks for sharing with your caring ways.


As always, so nice to hear from you!