
Fairy Tale Feasts

A Literary Cookbook for Young Readers & Eaters

Book Beginnings
What is the first line of your current read, and how did you like it?

"From the earliest days of stories, when hunters came home from the hunt to tell of their exploits around the campfire while gnawing on a leg of beast, to the era of kings in castles listening to the storyteller at the royal dinner feast, to the time of TV dinners when whole families gathered to eat and watch movies together, stories and eating have been close companions."
I love folk stories about food!

The Friday 56 

Turn to page 56. Find any sentence or two that grabs you.

"A picnic is any kind of outdoor party or feast, and once upon a time it meant a party to which every person brought some dish for all to share." 
Tales retold: Jane Yolen
Recipes: Heidi E.Y. Stemple
Illustrations: Philippe Beha

Follow My Book Blog Friday

What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books? 

Sometimes repetition is a good thing but overly done, becomes boring and I check out! lol

What are you reading? LadyD Books is participating in the following memes. Click on photos to follow along.


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Looks like a fun book. Love the idea of recipes for your mind!

  2. Hi!
    Your book beginning sounds very interesting. I'll have to check it out. Have a great day!

    Just Books

  3. I love the cover, it reminds me a little of Fractured Fairy Tales. This sounds like a fun book.

  4. I've got several books on the go. the one I just finished, An Irish Country Christmas, starts "Barry Laverty - Doctor Barry Laverty - slammed the door of Brunhilde, his elderly Volkswagen Beetle" I enjoyed it!

    I've noticed that you have so many blogs. I don't know how people keep up to more than one or two ;-) Thanks for stopping by mine for Skywatch Friday.


As always, so nice to hear from you!