
Rhino in the Sky

SkyWatch Friday

 Over in the upper left hand corner, I see a rhino in the sky! Perhaps one is roaming in the valley down below. You can listen to rhino voices at

With the storm clouds heading eastward towards Arizona, it looks like Southern California will be getting some "free water" from a little storm heading down our way from the Bay area.

Oops! I'm so in the habit of writing the old year instead of the new one! lol You definitely can see the storm is moving away from us. As avocado growers, we welcome the next storm, estimated for Saturday. After all,  it is January and our rainy season but it still looks pretty dry out there. Oh,  Ireland with all its wearing of the green.  How I am longing to see green hills!

For more spectacular sky shots, head on over to SkyWatch Friday.

For ages 10 an up,  by Mary Kay Carson, a hardcover book.

Book Beginnings (Katy)

"A group of people crowded around a tall woman with long hair. She was dressed in scrubs, like a surgeon, and stood next to a computer. Everyone moved in for a closer look when the woman pointed to the screen. On it was a fuzzy picture called a sonogram. the blurry black-and-white image was of a baby still inside its mother. It wasn't yet ready to be born."

EMI and the Rhino Scientist [EMI & THE RHINO SCIENTIST] [Hardcover]

What I love about this children's picture book is that Dr. Terri Roth is working with a small rhino named Emi at the Cincinnati Zoo to help save Sumatran rhinos from extinction!

Page 56 (Freda's Voice)

"Take part in the International Rhino Foundation's North American Save the Rhinos campaign. This campaign will aid the three most critically endangered rhino species - Sumatran, black, and Indian rhinos - by protecting their wild habitat and supporting captive breeding."
Learn more about rhinos by visiting these websites:

International Rhino Foundation

SOS Rhino

Asian Rhino Project

Rhino Resource Center

Follow Friday  (Alison) 

Q: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to get your hands on any particular book?

A: I am fortunate to have a book store right next to our local library. So, all I have to do is squat down to the bottom shelf where the children's books are located. You'll find me on the floor, if not oredering books online.

I'll be stopping by some friends today. Won't you join me? Happy Friday!


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Aaw, I love those sonograms! Nice books and I wished my bookstore was that close. I'm a new twitter follower! Hop on over if you have the time:
    Juli @ Universe in Words

    1. Thanks for the follow Juli. I'll head on over.

  2. Fascinating! Thanks for sharing...the excerpt and the photos.

    Here's MY FRIDAY MEMES POST and here’s

  3. Love those sky shots and this book's 56 made me wonder why only 3 types of rhinos? What about the others or are there only 3 types? I'm very curious and think I'll Google Rhinos now... lol

  4. You're welcome. I'm coming over to your site now!

  5. Thanks Freda. I just don't know but thank goodness we can Google for the answer! lol

  6. Gorgeous photos, I like the rhino in the sky! :) What beautiful, awesome creatures, you get a real sense of how enormous they are when you compare the woman with rhino on the cover of the book too. The kids in my class would enjoy and learn from this great book. Thanks for sharing :) Here is my Friday 56:

    1. Hi Pamela! I wanted to ask, what grade do you teach? Thanks for stopping by!

  7. I think I see the rhino!! Nice shots, and thanks for visiting my blog.

  8. What an awesome post - I never would've even thought about rhinos! I cant see the rhino in the sky - I must have too little imagination, or bad eyesight :P

  9. Thanks! I think I'm imagining it, really! :=)

  10. I see the rhino in the sky, it must be in both of our imaginations.
    This sounds like an interesting book. You have certainly got me curious enough to visit some of the websites.

    1. Oh, good... I'm glad we both see the rhino. Now I have a witness! :=)

  11. Wow really pretty...Visiting from skywatch.


As always, so nice to hear from you!