
Esperanza Spalding: Apple Blossoms

Pink Saturday is about having fun!
It gives us a chance to meet others in the blogging community and discover lovely pink items.

Flowers on Saturday is hosted by Ewa Kelly. 
You will feast your eyes on gorgeous flowers from all around the world. The entries are always lovely to see.

Quote It Saturday is a weekly meme of famous quotes, poems or song lyrics, etc. Freda is the hostess.

Here's Mine:

Esperanza Spalding - Apple Blossom Lyrics

Artist: Esperanza Spalding
Album: Chamber Music Society

"Mother of the Spring*
Her branches cradle slipping,
Buds, yawning open,
Welcome by an aging man.
He greets them fondly
With memories of when
Her bows were arms that held him as a younger man.
Together, they would marvel at
The birth of Springtime.

Now he stands beneath the apple blossoms

Every year where they used to go walking.
And he tells Her about the summer and the autumn,
The winter in his heart,
And their Apple blossoms.

In summer they would dream

Of being three and smile,
Imagining how round,
As the apples on the ground.

That fall, they loved and waited.

But winter came too soon

Before their seed could bloom.
She wilted from the chill.
And all felt cold and still.

Now he stands beneath the apple blossoms

Every year where they use to go walking.

And he tells Her about the summer and the autumn,
The winter in his heart,
And their Apple blossoms.

As he opened the after, as she fell *****

He prayed heaven would be waiting to meet her.
He kisses her cold cheek goodbye,
But he couldn't surrender the hope of staying solace*****
So in her fallen hands he placed a seed from their favorite tree----
And he laid her to rest beneath the blanket of white
Til they'd meet again in the springtime.

Now he stands beneath the apple blossoms,

Every year where they used to go walking.

And from above she's always watching

But her body lies beneath the apple blossoms.
Apple blossoms.

Mother of the Spring

The slipping bud she cradles,
Slowly, [they] unopen.
'Welcome, by an aging man'
He greets them fondly.
Fondly---- beneath the apple blossoms."

Esperanza's Lyrics

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Thank you for an entertaining post. Flowers are my weakness and your words are great.

  2. Beautiful apple blossoms.

    Regards and best wishes

    1. Thanks so much. I'm so fortunate to learn from your work.

  3. Your PINK is very pretty!
    thanks for sharing...and HAppy PINk SatURday!

    ciao bella.
    Creative Carmelina

  4. Happy Pink Saturday Lady D...
    I am your newest follower and so happy I found you
    through PS.

    Your gorgeous apple blossoms drew me right on over
    from Phoenix. The are so fragrant. How beautiful the
    photo is. A really nice one. One open totally, some
    partial and some buds. Priceless. (My lemon tree is
    full of buds as well right now.)

    Thank you for sharing today. Have a glorious Sunday.
    Country hugs, Sherry

  5. Very Beautiful. I can almost smell them!


As always, so nice to hear from you!