
Get Messy

The lovely, yet messy Bougainvillea!

 "Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties." ~ Erich Fromm
So, take a leap of faith and just begin the first step of walking down the path. Although you may have every thing in its place and in a row, like these beautiful Bougainvilleas, did you notice the  mess of  flower petals all over the ground? Or is it messy?

"A hunch is creativity telling you something."
        ~ Frank Capra

So, I tell myself that I just have to take a stroll down this path between my favorite, colorful Southern California drought tolerant plants. They grow into shrubs and trees. Bougainvilleas reach far and wide, always upward, spreading all over. Sometimes I find them along the pool, contained in beautiful Mediterranean pots or greeting me at the gate of a friend's home. I love all the variety of colors, especially this deep burgundy-red that I captured with my Nikon D200 at a local wholesale nursery.

The point of this post is to explore the journey of creativity and to find the freedom that it offers you. Creativity isn't a technique-- it's a mindset. Go ahead and walk about, discovering life.

Vintage Frame: Graphics Fairy

LadyD Books is linking up with the following memes,

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. A gorgeous flower indeed! Love the accompanying quotes! The Linky is up now, sorry was late.

  2. Oh but it is a beautiful mess! I wouldn't mind walking along the path at all. I love that quote.

    Hope you are having a great weekend!

  3. Beautiful Shot. So much color!

  4. Thanks, indeed it is a beautiful mess!

  5. so beautiful! so much colour! I almost smell it!

  6. I love the bougainvillea, the colors and petals are so pretty. Your photo is gorgeous! Happy Sunday!

  7. i love this beautiful flowers! thanks for sharing with *weekend flowers* :)

  8. Piękny spacer między różami po ścieżce usłanej płatkami róży. Pozdrawiam. *** A beautiful walk among the roses along the path carpeted with rose petals. Yours.

  9. oh yes but it's still totally delightful

  10. This is gorgeous. Love the composition. Visiting from Weekend Flowers.


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