
Wordless Wednesday: Save The Band

Fallbrook high school band: LadyD Books

Fallbrook high school band: LadyD Books

High School Band Concert: LadyD Books

 I live in a small town. These pictures are a small representation of our local high school concert and marching band. What is a marching band? Wikipedia defines it here. I was fortunate to get a few pictures during the Avocado Festival and speak with John P. Lewis, Vice President of the Fallbrook Band Boosters, Inc. 

Did you know that many artists have gotten their first break as a student in a school music program? Unfortunately, educational budget cuts constantly threaten to eliminate these valuable programs denying students exposure to music and preventing them from creative release.

Basically, what is happening in our school district is about the lack of funding with more budget cuts going on. Parents are working so hard to keep the arts alive in the schools. I love California... but my Wordless Wednesday, this time, means a lot to me and for so many others. I am passionate in the arts. So, please dear community of our local town, please save the band! For more information on how to do that, visit

I was one of the lucky ones where music was the norm in school. I loved choir and singing competition days in high school. I won a music scholarship to San Diego State and well, you know the rest. Been playing the piano for over 30 years in the churches on worship teams, and have been teaching piano for over 15 years now and love being the music teacher for a kindergarten class. If you want, visit my music sites at and

Save the band!


 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. Budget cuts are happening everywhere. Sports and music are always their first choice. A crying shame. So many kids are paying huge fees in our area just for the privelege of having an extra curricular event. So sad.

    1. Would someone tell me why it is we can't afford music and sports anymore? Thanks for sharing MG Atwood. I appreciate your comment.

  2. Happened here. I'm in a rural town and we lost our Middle School marching band a couple years ago. Such a shame, because those are the formative years. My girls were in marching band! It was awesome!

    1. Would someone tell me why we can't afford music anymore?? I agree with you Mimi and appreciate your comment. Thanks for sharing because I didn't know you had musical experience, wonderful!

  3. With all the cutbacks in school funding, I am afraid we are going to begin losing band and art and possible PE. It is a true tragedy. I adored being in the band and now at 73 continue to play the violin which I only learned to play 15 years ago. Music is food for the soul. Loved your pictures. Boy, do they bring back the memories. genie

    1. Would someone tell me why we can't afford music anymore?! Indeed, music is life to me! I enjoyed reading your comments and admire violin players. Thanks for sharing Genie!

  4. Without the music there can be no lifesong. This is really sad! Lovely photos!

    1. Thanks Gemma, I agree and it makes me sad to ask this question again... Would someone tell me why we can't afford music anymore?

  5. You are a busy one NC Sue and I am grateful you stopped by to say hi! Now, can you tell me why we can't afford music anymore?


As always, so nice to hear from you!