
Blog Tour and Review: Superluke Faces His Bully

For ages 7-12

How would you like to feel brave and strong?

"Have you ever been bullied?  Or maybe you have bullied someone.  If you have never been either of these, I’ll bet that you have witnessed someone being bullied.

If we listen to and see bad things, it can make us mean and scared. The things I see and hear are like spiritual food that can change my attitude. God doesn't want His children hurt by bullies.

     "SuperLuke Faces His Bully", the second in the GiggleHeart Adventures series, takes us on a journey into the heart of a bully.  It then explores how to handle the bully from a Biblical perspective."

Super Luke Faces His Bully is a fun loving adventure spoken straight from the heart of a super-sweet eight-year-old bully victim, Luke Giggleheart.   The Word of God is used as a lens to examine some of the issues that can make a person act like either a bully or a victim. During this adventure, Luke, our tender-hearted bully victim, learns about fear, being courageous and getting adults to help, while praying for his enemies.


Dr. Jackie C. Cogswell

Dr. Jackie Chirco Cogswell is a family physician, wife, mother, former school teacher, and author of a series of Christian children’s novels, the GiggleHeart™ Adventure Series. As a Christian mother, the issue of bullying became personal to her when her son was bullied at school. Through the many struggles her son had with bullies, Dr. Jackie learned from firsthand experience how to tackle bullying from a Biblical perspective. “Super Luke Faces His Bully” was inspired by her son’s personal struggle and the good Lord Who equips us for every battle and gives us strength.”


"That day, my bully left me with a humongous problem.  Ever since I was two years old I wanted to be a superhero.  In fact, I used to stand in front of the mirror in my diaper, squeezing my muscles hoping they would someday be strong enough to turn me into a real super dude.  Now that I have strong muscles and a cool cape, I love playing Super Luke and saving my friends and family from big bad bullies.  But after getting stuffed into my locker, I know that it takes a lot more than a good looking cape, a superhero name and big muscles to make me strong and brave!  Learning how to be a real superhero is a major growing pain." -- Page 13

 My Review

I give kudos to Dr. Jackie C. Cogswell for writing a subject that is so relevant for today and greatly needed to assist young people. When I picked up this book, I was expecting a story more like the last one. Then I kept reading and soon discovered that this was over the top! The author did an excellent job; another beautiful book from Jackie. Valuable websites listed in the end notes for more information on bullying.

I enjoyed the character of Luke Michael Giggleheart, a sweet and shy 8-year-old boy and his friend Mario Martinez. Luke is not too sure how to handle the school bully Harry Jones, also known as Bulldog Jones, who is a mean 10-year-old. 

 The story begins with Luke experiencing one of his biggest fears, being stuffed inside a school locker by the local bully. Along the way, Luke meets a lion, a tiger and an angel with much excitement from dreams to pictures in his head, like a TV screen, where everything gets recorded. Then one day Luke becomes very brave and strong; finding his identity, purpose and value in Jesus.

This is a great book with a wonderful message, teaching on repentance and grace, connecting with God's heart, and having joy. I will be adding it to my "favorites." I highly recommend this one to all kids who have had an encounter with a bully at school, on the bus or in your neighborhood. Learn what the Bible says about fear, lying, attitudes and bullies in a super-fun and giggly way!

***** stars!

You may be interested in reading my review of the author's first book, A Heart Ready to Fly!  (GiggleHeart #1) 


Dr. Jackie C. Cogswell will be giving one lucky winner a print copy of Super Luke Faces His Bully as well as a print copy of A Heart Ready to Fly!  To enter, please fill out the Rafflecopter form below.  U.S. addresses only, please. Giveaway Form

Thanks Cheryl Malandrinos for the opportunity to review this very cool book.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the fabulous review of Dr. Jackie's latest. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

    Good luck to all who enter the giveaway.


As always, so nice to hear from you!