
The Blossom and The Bee

Flamingos: LadyD books
For Pink Saturday
 It's always nice to see the flamingos by the water. Aren't they amazing?! So flexible and elegant, like Yoga Pretzels! I just love the beauty of birds, surrounded with water reflections.

Dahlias: LadyD Books

The Dahlia Citrus Label was part of a collection at our local library. Each citrus label was framed in glass, mounted on the wall, with overhead lights on. It was a bit challenging to take a picture without getting the glass reflection. This one is pretty in pink, although a bit blurred.

Star Quilt: LadyD Books

I gave this quilt to one of my daughters who likes stars. Always nice to curl up with a warm quilt and read a good book or take a nap coming home from the Safari Park.

Lavender and Bumble Bee: LadyD Books
For Quote It Saturday and For Flowers on Saturday
 "A bee is never as busy as it seems; it's just that it can't buzz any slower." Kin Hubbard

"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway. " Mary Kay Ash
 I love the elegance and flow of this flower, Wild Sweet Pea. We have them in our yard. I came upon the blossom with the bee at the Safari Park in San Diego and took this photo with my Nikon D200.

Have a wonderful weekend and a great week ahead!


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis


  1. I just wish I could still stand on one leg :)
    Love the bee quotes. Here is one of my favorite poems:
    How Doth the Little Busy Bee
    by Isaac Watts

    How doth the little busy bee
    Improve each shining hour,
    And gather honey all the day
    From every opening flower!

    How skilfully she builds her cell!
    How neat she spreads the wax!
    And labors hard to store it well
    With the sweet food she makes.

    In works of labor or of skill,
    I would be busy too;
    For Satan finds some mischief still
    For idle hands to do.

    In books, or work, or healthful play,
    Let my first years be passed,
    That I may give for every day
    Some good account at last.

    Thought it went with your books as well ... Happy Pink Saturday !

  2. Very beautiful photos! I love that quilt you gave your daughter, it's beautifully crafted!

  3. Delightful and lovely! Visiting from Pink Saturday.

    Pink in the Sink. Have a lovely weekend.

    PS. I am your new follower.

  4. Bees are my favorite photographic subject in the summer, I love those quotes. The quilt is gorgeous.


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