
Best Snacks and Drinks To Be Partnered With Reading A Book

This guest post is by Pam Johnson at

Best Snacks and Drinks To Be Partnered With Reading A Book
Reading is a pastime that many overlook but is really great if you take the time to participate in it. Reading can let readers experience new lands, cultures, and scenarios. All of this imaginary travel and experiences can work up a great hunger and thirst. It is important to know what foods go best with reading.

Coffee or Tea
Coffee and tea are commonly drank while reading. Coffee shops, which serve both coffee and tea, are packed with avid readers of all genres of literature. Both of these drinks contain caffeine, giving readers more energy to increase their reading time. It also warms the body, much like reading warms the soul. Reading is common especially in the winter when it's too cold to go outside and sitting inside snuggled up in a blanket while reading a book sounds like the best pastime. In a scenario like this, coffee or tea are the perfect drink choices. For all these reasons, coffee and tea are perfect pairs to reading a good book.

As many people know, popcorn is heavily associated with the watching of movies. It is particularly correlated with the watching of movies in movie theaters. If popcorn can be associated with movie watching, a type of entertainment, then why not another form of entertainment, life reading? Popcorn is a food that you can eat with one hand while keeping the other hand on the book. It is also warm and comforting, making it perfect for those cold winter reading days that were previously mentioned.

Hot Chocolate
In keeping with the theme of warmth, hot chocolate is the perfect addition to this list. It is both a drink for cold winter days and also satisfies a sweet craving with minimal calories. Spending a lot of time reading will render the reader less active, and therefore caloric intake is something they have to consider. Hot chocolate is, as other items on this list, a comforting drink and perfect to pair with any book. For added flavor it's common to add marshmallows. This gives an extra sweet twist to this delicious drink, perfect for snuggling up with a good book.

Granola Bar
One important part of eating and reading at the same time is keeping one had free from eating your snack so you are still able to hold the book. A food that is able to be held and eaten with one hand is a granola bar. It is a food that falls into the grain category, but unlike other foods in this category such as chips and crackers, it is a finger food without being crunchy. This means that you will not have to deal with the loud crunching sound while trying to concentrate on reading. It's also a very healthy snack.

Whether you decide to eat a food from this list, or another snack option, the most important thing is to pair it with a good book. Reading is an activity that stimulates brain activity, creativity, and imagination. It is a great way to spend one's time and is a productive, enriching hobby.

Author Pam Johnson enjoys reading and blogging. She is a contributing writer for

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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