
Good Friday SoCal Sunset

SoCal sunset in March: LadyD Books

I was beguiled into coming inside, to read by the fire a new series of chapter books. However, the thought of remaining outside to take in this gorgeous SoCal sunset was quite tempting. The outdoor sounds seem to increase more around dusk for some reason. Do you know why that is? So, I'm wondering what it's like in your neck of the woods...
For more views, visit Skywatch Friday

photo credit: zondervan

Greek Roasted Lamb

I get so excited with all the Easter preparations for my family. Being Greek, we always bake lamb and have red Easter eggs. Perhaps you'd like to try my recipe, How to Bake Greek Roast Lamb. For the grandchildren, they'll be having ham and probably macaroni with cheese. What meal will you be serving?

chapter book by hilary mckay: LadyD Books
New series for animal lovers
Jacket Flap:

 "Lulu can't understand people who don't like animals-people like her teacher, Mrs. Holiday. When Lulu tries to help Mrs. Holiday find the perfect pet, she is banned from  bringing an animal to school ever again! Then Lulu rescues an abandoned duck egg. She's going to have to take it to school to keep it safe. But an egg isn't really an animal... At least not yet, anyway."
The Friday56

"Lulu, why are you holding your stomach like that? Is everything all right?"
Lulu and the Duck in the Park (Book 1)
Stay tuned for my giveaway of one of Hilary McKay books next Friday and you may be interested in her blog tour because it's happening now! Recently I've been reading more chapter books and enjoying the story lines because there are more depth, adventures and character dialogues. Have you reviewed some chapter books in the past and have a favorite? I discovered a list of 16 books and how to get elementary school kids reading by +Tracy from CityofMotherlyLove

You may be interested in the Circle C Beginnings series and you'll find one of my reviews at Andi's Scary School Days. For more information on Christian Fiction/Chapter Books, visit

Happy Easter!

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Happy Easter! Your lamb dish reminds me of my mother's dinners many years ago...sigh.

    Have a good one! Here's MY FRIDAY MEMES POST

    1. Yes, memories are good. Thanks Laurel, Happy Easter!

  2. Beautiful sunset. The roast made me hungry. Happy Easter and Happy sky watching.

    My sky.

    1. Looking at food sometimes makes me hungry, too. Thanks Liz, Happy Easter!

  3. Beautiful sunset!
    Lulu sounds like a lovely girl to read about!
    Happy Easter Diana!

    1. She is a cutie. Thanks Freda, Happy Easter!

  4. Have a wonderful Easter Sunday! :) That roast lamb looks great ... I look forward to some myself :)


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