
A Reading Tale

English: A multi-volume Latin dictionary (Egid...
English: A multi-volume Latin dictionary (Egidio Forcellini: Totius Latinitatis Lexicon, 1858–87) in a table in the main reading room of the University Library of Graz. Picture taken and uploaded on 15 Dec 2005 by Dr. Marcus Gossler. Español: Diccionario de latín (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


APRIL – Library Snapshot Month
      A Reading Tale
By Kathy Carlton Willis

I’ve always been a lover of books—the opportunity to visit a new world, a new time, a new way of life. What’s your rite-of-passage reading story? I’ll start with mine.

As soon as I started school, Mother encouraged me to learn to read. She was a voracious reader, eager for me to develop the same love of books. This Chatty Kathy enjoyed every form of communications since my first spoken word. The written word was no different—I took to it like gravy goes with biscuits. Remember those Weekly Reader magazines (oh, the delicious smell of the ink and paper!)? The SRA Reading Lab inspired me to read not just for speed, but for retention.

When I received my first public library card around age 6, Mom walked us to the library several times a month. Yes, it seemed like it was two miles uphill both ways, but it was worth it! Our little town of four thousand was blessed with a Carnegie library (built in 1905) full of well-loved books. Mom taught me how to follow my favorite authors—I read all their titles. I knew how to thumb through a card catalog and recite the Dewey decimal system. By the time I outgrew the children’s section, I had read every book and graduated to the “grown-up” shelves.

Most avid readers say their idea of a time-out from stress and life involves curling up with a good book—claw-foot tub or blazing fireplace optional.

My favorite reading tip is this: Don’t waste time on a mediocre book. When reading for recreation, remember that you aren’t in school anymore. You aren’t being graded for reading every word. So if a book doesn’t appeal to you, put it down! Grab a different one. We have only so much time in life—definitely not enough time to get bogged down with a boring book or confusing storyline.

Just because a book earned rave reviews doesn’t mean it’s the right book for you, any more than gorgeous size 7 shoes will fit size 10 feet!

Think about your own reading tale. What was it like when you learned to read? When did you discover your local library? Do you recall the favorite authors of your early years? Who inspired you to read more? What challenges you today in your reading? We all have a story—even a reading story!

 Kathy Carlton Willis Bio:

Kathy Carlton Willis gets jazzed speaking for women’s events and writers conferences across the country. She’s known for her practical and often humorous messages. Kathy enjoys fiddling with words as a writer and also coaches others. When not reading or writing books, she serves as a happy pastor’s wife.

Thanks so much Kathy for this wonderful article. Your love for reading has encouraged me to share your inspiring story with my readers.

Happy Reading!

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Thanks so much for running my reading tale on your site. I'd love to hear the reading stories from your blog readers. If you're a book lover--when did you first fall in love with words? And are any of you guilty of reading the cereal box if there's nothing handy to read during breakfast-time? Keep reading, and pass it on!

  2. I am a book lover! I've loved books for as long as I can remember. I remember listening to my dad read the Chronicles of Narnia to us when we were little. And I remember all the visits to our public library with my mom. I'd leave with stacks of books and disappear for hours, traveling to distant lands, learning about different kinds of families, viewpoints, life experiences, and more. In college and life before having children I read novel after novel. My husband was an avid reader, as well, and we enjoyed sharing great reads and our impressions with one another. Now that we have two little ones, ages 7 and 2, we find ourselves reading stacks of children's literature and not as many novels. We know we'll have those quiet days soon enough and enjoy the time sharing our love of reading with our boys. As a Barefoot Books Ambassador, I receive regular deliveries of gorgeous children's books, so our home library is always stocked with a new read! And of course both grandmas keep us in new books, too! We are a multigenerational book-loving family! Thanks for sharing a great reading story!


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