
Lulu Blog Tour: Review-Interview-Giveaway

Lulu series by Hilary McKay: LadyD Books

First off,  thank you to Michelle of Albert Whitman & Company for the blog tour invitation. I'm delighted to introduce my readers to the writings of Hilary McKay, the author of the fun, loving Lulu series and a special thank you to Ms. McKay for a marvelous interview with LadyD Books.

author Hilary McKay
For more information, visit Hilary's website
Interview with author, Hilary McKay 

 Tell us a bit about your book and where it’s available.

I have a new series out in America about a little girl called Lulu who loves animals. There are two published at the moment, and four more to come.

What was the inspiration for your book?

All the animals I have ever loved!

What was your aim for this book? What did you want readers to think and feel when reading it?

I wrote the Lulu books as early chapter readers. I was trying to tell amusing stories in a very simple form.

Do you have any other books currently available?

Yes, I have lots of books currently available, notably The Casson Series, and my newest of the new: Binny for Short.

What will you be working on next?

The sequel to Binny, and two more Lulu books.

How did you originally get into writing?

I wrote a book to see if I could and it won a major award here in the UK. That got me my first US publisher.

What do you enjoy most about being a writer?

I like the independence, and the feedback I get from readers. I like the creativity. If I get paid I like that too.

What do you find hardest about being a writer?

Making myself sit down and do it!

Who or what would you count as your main influence?

Goodness! All the books I have ever read. All the people I have ever met. All the jokes I ever heard. All the places I ever lived. It's a patchwork, my writing, I just put bits together until they make a pattern and sound nice.

What do you enjoy reading? 

Non fiction at the moment. Right now I am reading a wonderful book called The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elizabeth Tova Bailey

Who is your favorite author?

I don't have one. I don't even have twenty. I have hundreds.

What would be your ideal writer’s haven for creating your book? Would you have a desk in a quiet cabin somewhere or an iPad on the beach?

Not the beach! I'm not fond of sand in any sort of quantity. A lighthouse would be good. Or there is a lovely balcony outside the Ufizzi in Florence (where they serve truffles on toast). That would be nice.
Thank you, Hilary McKay. These two delightful chapter books are just right for young readers, especially early beginners and Lulu will certainly capture your heart. I'll be giving away one of these special children's books. Look for details near the end of this post.  These books are from Albert Whitman & Company ( and e-books are available from Open Road Media (

My Reviews
illustrations from Lulu children's book series
Illustrations Book #1
A sweet story about a very smart young girl who has an enormous fondness for animals and a special friendship with her cousin Melanie who is always there to help and her dog, Sam. A conflict begins, during a class trip to the park, when two black dogs chase ducks and ruin nests but Lulu picks up the last blue duck egg and keeps it hidden with Melanie's help. The duckling hatches,  you'll never guess where along with a warm reunion assisted by the two girls and their teacher. I loved this book filled with beautiful illustrations, introduction to many characters and of course, good-hearted Lulu!

 5/stars, highly recommend.

Lulu and the Duck in the Park (Book 1)

Lulu and the Duck in the Park are nominated for a Kiddo Award. You can Vote, too!

illustrations from Hilary McKay chapter book
Illustrations Book#2
Lulu and her family soon discover that the stray dog from the sea, who has been living at the beach by the sand dunes, is a thief and a menace, while staying in a  4 room cottage off a bumpy, potholed road. Lulu decides on her vacation to tame the dog and make friends with him because the dog seems lonely. Melanie is Lulu's 7 year old cousin and they are best friends although they have different hobbies since Melanie likes to make kites and Lulu loves dozens of animals immensely. While Lulu's  mother reads her book and the dad smuggles rocks, a problem arises when Melanie falls with a hurt ankle and the dog who was abandoned as a pup, that the whole town wants to catch, is now chasing bubbles and a frisbee. You'll love the conclusion of this adventurous story, especially if you love animals! Very nice illustrations compliment the book.
4/5 stars! Recommend it.

Lulu: Lulu and the Dog from the Sea (Book 2)

Book #3: Lulu and the Cat in the Bag
will be available in Fall 2013.
A mysterious bag is left on Lulu’s doorstep, to their surprise, it is a cat—a huge, neon orange cat.  With Lulu’s kind heart and love for animals, Lulu looks to find this kitty a home. 
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Hilary McKay Lulu Blog Tour
Giveaway Details
U.S. address only
Contest ends midnight, April 11, 2013
Winner announced April 12th.
Good luck everyone!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review purposes. I was not compensated for this review nor was I required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. Great interview with Hilary! I enjoyed learning more about her. Funny she doesn't like sand in any quantity, yet book 2 is about a cottage by the sea. :)

    I'm not entering your giveaway because I'm also on the tour (last stop!) and also giving away a copy.

    1. Great point, Joanne. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. Just reading the interview, I can tell that she's such a fun author. Good luck to all the participants. I will try to look for her book here for my granddaughters.


As always, so nice to hear from you!