
Remembering Along The Trail

Remembering along the trail: LadyD Books

Remembering is important to God. He encourages us to make memories. In Joshua 3-4, we read the account of the Israelites moving the ark of the covenant across the flooded Jordan River. After the water parted to allow the ark and Israelites to cross, God commanded the leaders of the twelve tribes to take one stone each from the river and to place it where the priests had stood with the ark when they arrived safely on the other shore. "These stones are to be a memorial to the people of Israel forever" (Joshua 4:7). They are still there today.

We're encouraged to remember days of old, the wonders of God, the Sabbath, God's deeds and our struggles, our Creator, our youth, and that life is short.

If you've not yet begun to create memories, start now. Load up your camera with film, fill that pen with ink and capture the miracles and wonders that come your way.

Surround yourself with whatever it takes to be reminded. God is faithful. Don't ever forget that.

-- Luci Swindoll

Photo for Skywatch Friday

I just felt that this passage may be for someone... Sincerely wishing moms a Happy Mother's Day!

orange flowers at the san diego safari park: LadyD Books

Along the many trails at the San Diego Safari Park, we came across so many different varieties of Aloe Vera and many of the plants were in bloom, like these interesting orange flowers. Photo for Orange You Glad It's Friday

The Friday 56

"Grandparents will be thanked for what they have spoken and for what they have kept to themselves. The discoveries they have kept silent about leaving the child to find his own. The dreams, the mistakes, the doubts, the worries, and the fears of old age they share only carefully with the young."

-- Charles and Ann Morse from An Illustrated Grandmother's Notebook by Juliette Clarke.

To all the mothers... every day is mother's day, so celebrate your nurturing and caring ways!


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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