
Review: Even More Make And Freeze Recipes

Review: Even More Make and Freeze Recipes l LadyD Books




The Friday 56 

(56% reader)
"Just turn on the oven and put it in as soon as you get home from your busy day. Get washed and changed and set the table, and it will be ready by the time you've finished your essential chores."


 This is an informative guide on how to store food properly.  From freezer to thawing food, then heating in the microwave or oven, you'll be feeding your family healthily and cheaply. I've been canning and preserving food for quite some time now, so I was able to pick up a few pointers from the authors. Basically, cooking several times a month frees up your time to enjoy other things. So you'll save time and money when you freeze in bulk. What I liked the most was the idea of color coded containers and labeling for breakfast, lunch and dinner. A useful tip is to spread out flat your containers in the freezer and then later stack them. I will use the Split Pea recipe, the Make-Ahead Tomato Sauce and I especially like the Homemade Chili Powder recipe and the Homemade Italian Seasoning one but the rest of the recipes were just o.k.

 4/5 stars.


Mara Michaels and Erin Kennedy are the authors of over two dozen cooking and health-related titles.

Read What Others Are Saying

Even More Make and Freeze Recipes (Eat Better For Less Guides Book 3)

So, what have you been reading? I think I'll make some sauce from our garden tomatoes!

LadyD-Books Garden Tomatoes

Happy Weekend!


  “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

Review: Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons

Review: Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons l LadyD Books

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons: A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores


Book Description

Many struggling readers are embarrassed to read aloud. They are often intimidated or bored by texts that conventional programs require them to practice. So, instead of catching up, they fall further behind. Currently 67% of American fourth graders can’t read grade-level text. Reading specialist Amy Buswell has spent eight years looking for remediation methods that work. “What is needed,” Buswell explains, “is a program that improves the motivation of struggling readers, because that accounts for 90% of the problem.” Four years ago, Buswell came up with a brainstorm. She knew her best readers enjoyed reading Bruce Lansky’s poetry books for pleasure. The more poems they read, the better their reading got. Why not use Lansky’s kid-tested poems as texts struggling readers could practice on to improve their reading—using six research-based strategies: choral reading, echo reading, paired reading, repeated reading, sustained silent reading and “say it like the character” reading. — This book is the result of that brainstorm and the resulting collaboration between Buswell and Lansky. It gives teachers and parents everything they need to help children improve their reading: -35 kid-tested poems by Bruce Lansky -35 customized reading lessons by Amy Buswell -35 off-the-wall illustrations by Stephen Carpenter -35 sets of zany performance tips by Bruce Lansky …all of which is designed to make the process of reading improvement more like fun than work. — What Amy Buswell and Bruce Lansky have created is the most entertaining fluency intervention ever. That’s why it is so successful at overcoming negative attitudes to improve reading skills and scores. Ninety-five percent of participating students made significant improvement in their fluency (reading rate). And average reading scores on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) for Buswell’s school raised her school’s rating to an A for the first time. In 2011, Buswell’s school achieved one of the highest-percentage reading gains in the county. — There’s no reason parents can’t get in on the fun, too. Parents will enjoy Lansky’s funny poems and Stephen Carpenter’s delightful illustrations as much as their children. By reading the poems with their children and encouraging their children to try some of Lansky’s entertaining performance tips (by adding gestures, sound effects, props and finding additional readers: be they friends, family or neighbors), they can dramatically speed up their child’s reading progress (and have lots of fun in the process.)

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons: A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores

My Review 


I am very impressed with the book! What a fun learning experience for my grandson. The educational approach to assist Grades 2-5 in their reading is perfect for visual learners. I'm a strong believer in teaching little ones songs with hand gestures. So reading, memorizing poetry along with hand motions is popular with kids and successful, too. The brain learns by pattern and seeks novelty. I would say the author and illustrator hit the ball out of the park with this one. My grandson eagerly read 'A Brave Little Fellow Named Brian' and giggled through 'Forgetful', like most boys will. He's only in first grade and reads the poems over and over. This is a must-have for home and school library. I highly recommend this one. 

5/5 stars!

About The Author

Amy Buswell is a reading specialist who teaches in West Palm Beach, FL. Her entertaining “reading lessons” have dramatically raised the reading skills and scores of the students who attended schools at which she has taught. — Bruce Lansky has written and edited 18 books of humorous poetry for children, which have sold more than 3.5 million copies. Lansky has visited more than 600 schools, and he also created the popular Giggle Poetry website. — Stephen Carpenter is the illustrator who has helped 16 “Giggle Poetry” books come alive with hilarious illustrations. He lives just outside Kansas City with his wife, Becki, and their sheepdog, Lulu.

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons: A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

Angel Connection

LadyD-Books: Summer Sunset

 It looks like a giant angel hovering over our southern summer sky! What do you see besides overhead power lines?! lol I do like silhouettes of all types, especially palm trees and power lines.

Photo for Skywatch Friday

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons

 I won this paperback book from LibraryThing and I'm so glad I did. My grandson loves to read but I wanted to continue his learning with a fun and new approach with poetry reading. If you have someone in the family who is a reluctant reader, take a look at this one. I like it so far... Did you enjoy reading as  a child? Did you catch on easily?

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons: A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores


Amazon Book Description Snippet

Many struggling readers are embarrassed to read aloud. They are often intimidated or bored by texts that conventional programs require them to practice. So, instead of catching up, they fall further behind. Currently 67% of American fourth graders can’t read grade-level text. Reading specialist Amy Buswell has spent eight years looking for remediation methods that work. “What is needed,” Buswell explains, “is a program that improves the motivation of struggling readers, because that accounts for 90% of the problem.” Four years ago, Buswell came up with a brainstorm. She knew her best readers enjoyed reading Bruce Lansky’s poetry books for pleasure. The more poems they read, the better their reading got. Why not use Lansky’s kid-tested poems as texts struggling readers could practice on to improve their reading—using six research-based strategies: choral reading, echo reading, paired reading, repeated reading, sustained silent reading and “say it like the character” reading...

The Friday 56 


"My dog is very friendly,
but he sometimes gets excited -
especially when we've been apart
and then are reunited." -- Amy Buswell & Bruce Lansky

My Dog Is Too Friendly 


My dog is very friendly,
but he sometimes gets excited -
especially when we've been apart
and then are reunited.

He puts his paws up on my waist
then barks and gives a push.
I tumble over backwards,
and I land right on my tush.

My dog feels very sorry,
and he licks me without fail,
He licks my ears and cheeks and nose,
then wags his little tail.

I hate it when he licks me, 
but I do not have much hope.
His breath smells like a garbage dump,
He should be using Scope.

Giggle Poetry Reading Lessons: A Successful Reading-Fluency Program Parents and Teachers Can Use to Dramatically Improve Reading Skills and Scores

What are you reading? Happy weekend, everyone!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

The Lorikeet Tickle

LadyD-Books: Lorikeets

In 2008 I went to the Safari Park to observe the Lorikeet Landing. The bright colors on these beautiful birds attracted me, as it did so many others. I've shared The Lorikeet with you before.

I was quite surprised and indeed, a bit startled when they landed on my arm for their snack!!

Lorikeets sipping nectar from a cup: LadyD Books

Amazing, this bird watching thing... They talk with one another and take turns drinking nectar. So you purchase a little cup of nectar for around $3.00 and enjoy the thrill of feeding your very own bird for the moment. Needless to say... the kids love it and it makes a fond memory and photo op, of course for the whole family! Have you seen the Lorikeet?

The Lorikeet walk: LadyD Books

 The Lorikeet walking on the arm sure does tickle and it was a proud moment for me. Hopefully, for them as well!

Lorikeets head diving for their nectar: LadyD Books

Lorikeet Collage: LadyD Books

This collage was made on my CollageIt 3 Free Software. I had a wonderful time at the animal preservation with my daughter, son-in-law and first grandson way back then.

LadyD Books is linking with Wild Bird Wednesday


Birds with little feet
You tickle upon my arm
Again we must meet


 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

Last Look of July Summer Sunset

pink sky with overhead telephone lines

 There is something to be said about rural living. I'm not sure if overhead power lines are a plus or not but against a soft pink sunset, I think it's a nice and fluffy sunset.

Our high temperatures during the day have been in the 80's and sometimes reaching the 90s.

Facing Northeast at dusk, I caught a glimpse of a mellow north county San Diego sky panorama.

You can see that SoCal is still experiencing drought conditions with the dry hillsides. The green valley is a local horse ranch that is for sale, along with a golf course that will soon become wetlands.

Pink Cloud Cluster: LadyD Books

So, this is one last look at our peaceful July summer sky. Happy August 1st!

Photos for Skywatch Friday

How is it where you are?

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 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis