
Review: The Love Letters from God

Review: Love Letters from God l LadyD Books

The Friday 56

God's Wonderful Words to You
"And you can be sure that I am always with you. (Matthew 28:20)"
This children's picture book is 40 pages, so I used the last page to participate in this book meme. Here's an example of one of the "flip-the-flaps."
Your Invitation

God would like to invite _______


To join Jesus' team


Right where you are


Right now

What Do I Need to Bring?

Just yourself

If you would like to join Jesus' team and have Jesus with you always, please reply by letter.

Love, from God

P.S. Don't worry about mailing your reply. Just write it inside the envelope on the next page. (I can see in there!)


Book Description

What child does not love to receive mail? What if that child could receive, open and read his or her own personal mail from God? The Love Letters from God will invite them to do just that! Accompanying each story in this unique children’s Bible is a very special and encouraging letter, each tucked away in its own lift-the-flap envelope, just for them. Written for children ages four to eight, the Love Letters from God includes eighteen of the most popular Bible stories—nine from the Old Testament and nine from the New Testament. Following each story the child will find his or her own letter from God. Children will love the excitement of opening the letters and parents will love how each letter elaborates on the Bible story being told. A very special Bible verse, entitled God’s Wonderful Words To You will accompany each story and letter. Much more than a mere memory verse, each carefully chosen promise will be God’s very own personal words of love, encouragement, and hope. This book will culminate in an invitation for the children to write their own RSVP to God.

Love Letters from God: Bible Stories 

My Review

This is the best "lift-the-flap" book that provides great Biblical information with a fresh approach by using pint size postcards just for children to read. These love letters from God are real treasures of His affirming love to everyone. The author echos a strong spiritual message here. Each page is filled with beautiful illustrations that give a scrap book feel, like a colorful quilt. I am very impressed with the beauty of detail and richness of the layout of Biblical scriptures woven in story form. This is an excellent visual journey for the reader. What a delight for young people and their parents. Makes a great gift, plus a wonderful addition to home and church library.

5/5 stars. I recommend the book to my friends.

I received this book from BookLookBloggers in exchange for my honest review. 

Another Example of Love Letters from God 

Dear _____

A lot of bad things happened to poor Joseph. No wonder he sometimes felt so sad. If you ever feel sad like Joseph did, if something happens in your life, that you just can't understand, try to remember that you are never alone. I promise I will never, never leave you. And that's a promise I will always keep.

Your Promise Keeper, 


About the Authors

Glenys Nellist was born and raised in a little village in northern England. Her stories and poems have been published in children’s magazines where her writing reflects a deep passion for bringing the Bible to life for young children. Glenys lives in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with her husband, David.

Sophie Allsopp grew up in a small English village and Hong Kong, where she particularly enjoyed living in a hotel and going to school on a tram. After studying for her illustration degree, Sophie won several awards and has now been illustrating for over 20 years. She lives in England with her husband, son, and a cat called Sadie.

Love Letters from God: Bible Stories

I loved the book and am so grateful for the opportunity to share it with my grandchildren.

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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