
Friday 56: Devotions from the Garden

Devotions from the Garden

I love to read devotionals and this one is excellent from Thomas Nelson Publishers. I especially like it because of the way the scriptural reading ties in with gardening concepts. The book meme entry is from the chapter called, Repellers. From Psalm 12:7, "You, Lord, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked."

For one whole week our granddaughter came for a visit. We were so blessed to see her again. These were taken at the Safari Park. I really enjoy seeing the natural landscape since SoCal is experiencing a drought!

Safari Park Landscape

Rock bedding

Yellow plants and palm trees

Book Description

Come to the garden alone, and fill your soul with His presence.
There's nothing on earth like the peace and loveliness of a magnificent garden. It's the place where Adam and Eve first fellowshipped with God, and where you, too, can escape from this chaotic world into His loving arms of beauty and serenity. Devotions from the Garden takes you to that place where senses are restored as dewdrops settle and butterflies gather to witness the miracles of God's creation bloom and grow. These ninety devotions explore the parallels of life with the elements of the garden to help you see God, to sense His presence, to soothe your soul, and to rest in knowing He is with you throughout each day. Included are striking photographs with a fresh, contemporary design for timeless appeal.

Friday #56

"All the repellers God puts into your life, however, are tangible evidence that He loves you enough to provide guidance and protection during times of difficulty, doubt, decision making, or when the enemy is on the attack." -- Miriam Drennan
Beginning Snippet

"Citronella, lemongrass, purple artist ageratum, marigolds - these are just a few of the plants that naturally repel pests like mosquitoes and nematodes and keep them from destroying the more vulnerable plants in the garden. Gardeners know to include such plants alongside their vegetables, fruits, and cutting flowers."

Ending Prayer

"Holy Father, thank You for _____. Thank You for the time, wisdom, and encouragement they've given me. Help me never to take them for granted. And help me either return the favor or help others in the same way they have helped me. In fact, reveal to me anyone who may need me to be a repeller - and then enable me to be effective."


This is a great, inspiring devotional. I especially like how the author links gardening concepts with scripture. There's tons of Biblical references that go hand in hand with visual gardening tips. The beautiful illustrations make the book a most excellent gift. I am fond of meditating and reflecting upon the miracle of growth. Plus, the necessity to maintenance of plant care is quite informative and easy to apply in a practical sense; like crop rotation, companion planting, pinching and deadheading. I think we're all familiar with He is the vine, we are the branches. What I found within the pages is peace, rest and refreshment in reading about God's presence in the beauty of nature. You'll love it!

5/5 stars! A quality devotional I recommend to friends.

About The Author

Miriam Drennan is the author of Devotions for the Beach and the Days You Wish You Were There and Soar Above the Madness: Surviving Office Politics Without Losing Your Mind, Your Job, or Your Lunch. She currently lives in Nashville, Tennessee, where she enjoys gardening and playing with words. Drop her a line at
Devotions from the Garden: Finding Peace and Rest in Your Busy Life

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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LadyD Books

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