
Wordless Wednesday: Sulking

LadyD Books: Sulking

In America we seem to be so addicted to fun and pleasure! When things don't go our way, well... we seem to sulk. We get so touchy when someone breaches our safe place.

Sulking is like exchanging a garment of love for a suit of armor, protecting ourselves. It steals our heart when we withdraw and retaliate.

I know we want to be honored and recognized. Insult and abuse touches this area when we feel our rights have been violated. I guess we just want to always defend our position.

With my grandchildren, when I find them centered on their ego, especially 'I want it my way' and they're brooding, I tell them... "Where's your happy face?"

Don't have a spoiled child response by sulking. Don't have a root of bitterness springing up.

Be willing to surrender your sulking.  Be loving, gentle and kind.

Here are 4 steps to take:

1. Confess (Self pity, desire for revenge)
2. Repent (Of my reaction to this hurt)
3. Pray (Wash me, cleanse me)
4. Bless The One Who Hurt You (Forgive)

2Ti3: 1-3, Matt.5: 43, 2Cor.4: 6-12, Matt.16: 24, 2Ti2:24-25

Have you ever found yourself sulking over a situation or someone? If so, how did you snap out of it?

I captured this photo while walking along the Oceanside Pier. I felt it was a matter of perspective. Perhaps the guy was helping his friend to not brood over the little things. Maybe they were just having a moment to reflect on all the good things in their lives. It's a choice, don't you think?

I'm sharing some of Elisabeth Elliot's thoughts with you today. Linking up for Wordless Wednesday.

Blessings to you,

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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LadyD Books

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