
Fruit Infused Water: Book Review

Fruit Infused Water: Review l LadyD Books

This week I finished reading a refreshing book on water recipes by Harry Love called,

 Awhile back I wrote a book review on Natural Vitamin Water Recipes. I love to drink water, especially a glass of water that is jazzed up a bit. All last week our temperatures ran in the high 90s, so it was quite necessary to hydrate before going outside. As you can see, I added some watermelon pieces, a bit of spearmint and sliced lemon to the filtered water.

Fruit Infused Water: LadyD Books

Why do I infuse? Because it keeps me from feeling groggy in the afternoon and the water tastes refreshingly different. It keeps our organs healthy while we are sweating.


"Fruit infused water has it all - the very words fruit and water taste and smack of health."

Watermelon Drink

Chapter 1: Why Drink Water?

"Water is one of the most important elements in the human body. our body consists of 70% water as it is present in the building blocks of our life i.e. cells."

  • Water removes or flushes out the wastes and toxins in our body.
  • Water regulates body temperature of a person either when they are exercising or even during weather changes.
  • Water is the best way to maintain healthy skin as it keeps the skin hydrated.
  • Water lubricates muscles and joints.
  • Water is needed for maintaining weight.

"Release the flavors of the mint by slightly twisting them over the jug."

Strawberry Lime Twist

3 lemons, thinly sliced
2 c. of strawberries, quartered
10 mint leaves
3 c. of ice
A litre or two of water

Keep in the fridge for an hour.

My Thoughts

There's so many beneficial points the author has touched upon here. If you're feeling overtired, anxious, restless, dizzy, have trouble with sleeping, and unable to concentrate for long, then you should try infused water.  You'll find an amazing list of fruit infused water recipes to try out every day. I especially like to boost my metabolism with an all time favorite, Citrus Ginger Water. There are so many beautiful choices to make and these delicious infused water drinks will do wonders for your body. It's a good book to have in your library, to enjoy skimming through the variety of drinks you can make for your enjoyment and good health. 

4/5 stars.

Skywatch Friday

Angel watching over us and a sharp sign (or pound sign) in the sky!

Sharp Sign in the Sky: LadyD Books

Happy reading and skywatching!

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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LadyD Books

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