
NlrV, Under the Sea Bible: Review

Under The Sea: Children's Bible l LadyD Books

Product Details

  • Age Range: 6 - 10 years
  • Grade Level: 1 - 5
  • Hardcover: 1152 pages
  • Publisher: Zonderkidz (March 1, 2016)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0310754046
  • ISBN-13: 978-0310754046

About The Book

The Under the Sea Holy Bible, NIrV is a perfect gift for children ages 6 to 10. Themes of underwater fun and sparkling fish grace the interior of this wonderful children’s Bible. The outside is covered in foil and sparkle. The interior has color inserts featuring whimsical underwater scenes with themes of God’s care and love for each of us and all of creation.

The Friday #56

"If I can speak beautifully and sing like an angel, but don't LOVE others, I sound like a child banging on the piano or a screeching radio. If I'm very smart - almost a genius - but don't LOVE others, I am nothing."

My Review

I love this new approach to a children's  Bible. First, the cover art in foil sparkles just right to catch anyone's attention. Then, you'll discover inside many colorful illustrated blue pages on topics like:

Books Of The Bible
Prayer Is...
The Lord's Prayer
Ten Commandments For Kids
Love Passage For Kids
Famous Children Of The Bible
The ABCs Of Becoming A Christian

I especially love the layout of the fish using hands as a guide to prayer. The visual artwork is great and so engaging for children and their family. The Bible content remains the same from Old testament to New Testament. In the back endnotes, you'll find a Dictionary to the New International Reader's version. The very back page has a list of 92 Great Bible Stories. 

What warms my heart as a praying grandma of 5 is the simple invitation for kids to become a Christian. Then there's the connection of showing children that they are an important part of the many stories in the Bible. Because I'm a piano teacher and love 1Cor. 13, my favorite part of this excellent Bible is, "If I can speak beautifully and sing like an angel, but don't LOVE others, I sound like a child banging on the piano or a screeching radio. If I'm very smart - almost a genius - but don't LOVE others, I am nothing."

I plan to give the Under the Sea Bible for my grandson's birthday which is right after Easter. I think it makes a wonderful gift for any child, especially 6-10 any time of the year. It's a great addition for home and Sunday school libraries. Highly recommend to family and friends. The only downside is small print.

4/5 stars.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Skywatch Friday

Easter Sunset l LadyD Books

I was looking towards the east over this beautiful mountain range and saw the orange sky glow with clouds settling in at dusk. I wanted to wish my readers a very Happy Easter! 

Oh, if you have some time, you might want to read my Interview with our pastor. Although I've interviewed book authors before, I was excited about this interview because it was a first for me. 


 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

A Special Invitation

Riverview Church: Map l LadyD Books

Easter is a wonderful time of celebration, rejoicing in the good news of Christ's resurrection! As a child, I can recall countless memories of my mom preparing a lamb dinner for our family and friends. Yes, there were red eggs and sweet pastries around the table for all to enjoy. This vivid, joyous scenario reminds me of a scripture, Genesis 31:54

"He offered a sacrifice there in the hill country and invited his relatives to a meal. After they had eaten, they spent the night there."
As a mother of 3 grown children and a happy grandma (YaYa) of 5,  I  have enjoyed inviting family and friends to Good Friday services throughout North County San Diego for many years. This year our local church sent out thousands of mailed invitations inviting folks to join us for our Easter services. I found myself extending "the invitation" to my neighbors and piano clients.

So, I ask myself... Why do I do this? First, I think I would have to say that the motivation of my heart is to share with others because I don't want anyone to miss out on the blessings of knowing Christ and His love for all. There's another reason why I am extending an invitation for you to join us at my church. The warm fellowship and loving community of belonging can be experienced at this friendly church. With that being said, I would like to introduce you to our Pastor and his family.

Svendsen Family: Riverview Church l LadyD Books

I am thrilled to share with you an interview I had with our pastor, Mel Svendsen. Needless to say,  I was excited to read his honest and sincere answers to all of my questions. No, they weren't real hard questions about deep theology but rather, an inside look at the pastor having a passion for loving God and others in our community. Get ready to read... An Interview with Pastor Mel Svendsen.

Pastor Mel Svendsen : Interview l LadyD Books

What background experiences most affected your decision to become a pastor?

 I had parents who were solidly Christian and greatly influenced my love for God and the church. Also, a youth pastor modeled for me the impact you can have on others and the satisfaction that brings. Also, as a freshman in college, I was hired to be a youth pastor in a small church and sensed God’s clear confirmation in my heart that pastoring would be the calling of my life.

 What do you hope people will experience when they attend Riverview Church?

I’m praying that people will experience the presence, power, and love of God in our fellowship as well as a commitment to the truths of God’s Word being taught in all of our ministries.
Can you speak specifically to Bible verses and examples that have greatly impacted your life?

So many verses have influenced my life but certainly Micah 6:8 which was my Dad’s life verse and I adopted it as an early life verse for my life as well. Proverbs 3:5-6 has also been a powerful passage in my life. John 3 has been a passage that has motivated my love for evangelism and how to share the gospel with others.
What devotional book do you use or recommend? 

I would recommend “The Pursuit of God” by Tozer...great book about nurturing a heart and life for God. I also have appreciated “Systematic Theology” by Wayne Grudem. I had the blessing of working with Dr. Grudem at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Dr. Grudem does a great job of integrating theology with devotional writings that challenge our response to the wonderful truths of God’s Word. Recently I have also been reading “Experiencing God’s Presence” by Chris Tiegreen. I would also be remiss if I didn’t at least communicate that the Bible itself is a wonderful source for daily “devotions”. Reading the Psalms, Proverbs, and virtually all of the New Testament can inspire our “devotion” to the Lord. Certainly all of the Bible is worthy of our study but the books I’ve mentioned are typically where you will find inspirational, “devotional” readings to challenge your walk with the Lord.

At what point in your life did you become convinced to trust the Bible?

I was raised by parents who loved God’s Word so I always had a trust in God’s Word. The confirmation of God’s Word grew through my high school years as I was discipled by a wonderful youth pastor. My confidence in the Word of God continued to grow as I fell in love with the study of apologetics especially in the fields of archeology, biology, and earth science which I believe all confirm the authority and accuracy of the inerrant Word of God.

 What Bible insights pertain to a person who wants to develop principles of lifelong success?

Again I would affirm Proverbs 3:5-6 as well as Micah 6:8. For the believer, these verses help us to understand what the Lord expects of us after coming to faith in Him. I believe these verses give us a wonderfully succinct definition of success and communicate principles of success that we can apply to all areas of our lives.

What does the Bible say about forgiveness being less of an emotion and more of an act of the will? 

The Bible certainly commands us to forgive which entails a decision of the will even when we don’t “feel “ like forgiving. We must forgive like Christ forgave us which lays out for believers the standard of forgiveness we need to display in our lives.

How did your near-death experience affect your reliance
on God’s word?

My near death experience gave me an even greater appreciation of the God that we serve and the wonderful gift that life is. We need to view every moment of our lives and potential opportunities to glorify God in all that we do. The experience also helped me appreciate relationships even more in my life. I have a greater appreciation for every moment I spend with my amazing wife and kids. Also, the relationships I have with other believers have become even more precious to me.

 Is there anything in the Bible that you struggle with?

There are teachings in the Bible that I would love to understand better. For example, I would love to have a better understanding of the salvation process and how God works in His sovereignty and wisdom while holding people responsible for their rejection of Christ. I would love to have a better understanding of the amazing way in which God created life and the awesome diversity that He demonstrated in the creation process. One other thing I would mention is that I’m saddened over Hell. I totally believe it exists but my heart breaks over the realization that people who reject Christ are destined for it. This reality certainly motivates me to be a more zealous witness for Christ.

 Is there anything else you would like to say?

 I consider it a tremendous privilege and blessing to serve the folks at Riverview. My prayer would be that Christ would be glorified in everything that happens at our church and that our commitment and legacy would be found in our passion for loving God, loving His Word, and loving others by our Christ-centered fellowship and witness. 
Thank you, Pastor Mel! God's richest blessings to you and your family!

My devotional reading today says,

"Come to Me in joyful expectation of receiving all you need - and sometimes much more! I delight in showering blessings on my beloved children. Come to Me with open hands and heart, ready to receive all I have for you."
Psalm 36:7-9 

Psalm 132:15

John 6:12-13

For those that have been on a journey searching for truth, Jesus says "I am the way and the truth and the life" in John 14:5-7. If you have lost your way, Jesus says in Ezekiel 34:15-17 "I will search for the lost and bring back the strays." My hope and prayer for you dear readers is that you will feel safe and loved in any church you choose to attend this Easter. When we get to heaven one day, we will feel so comfortable and at home in the presence of our Lord.

For more information, visit Riverview Church Website

Happy Easter!


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

The Gift for All People: Book Review

The Gift for All People: Max Lucado l LadyD Books

Yes, it's that special time of year for us in celebrating the resurrection of Christ. It's a personal time of reflection, a wonderful celebration with family and friends and the Easter egg hunt is always fun for the grandkids! I especially enjoy those relaxing moments and sitting down with a good book. I've read tons of Max Lucado books in the past and love them all. This Is a more recent one I just finished reading.

A New View on the Old Rugged Cross

Are peace, joy, and significance on your wish list?  How about redemption, forgiveness, the salvation of your soul?  Each of these descriptors bring us to the main event:  grace.  Saving grace, God’s immeasurable gift intended for all.  Regardless of accomplishments or station in life, despite sins of the past, anyone can receive the free gift of grace. 
Yet too often we take God’s incomparable gift for granted—despite the fact that God’s very Son paid for it with his body, breath, and blood. Understandably, we often find ourselves caught up in the daily routine of life, not taking time to reflect on the enormity of God’s mercy.
So here’s a suggestion:  give yourself the gift of a few moments spent in the world of God’s grace.  Read pastor Max Lucado’s unique, stirring insights into God’s role as grace-giver. Spend some time reflecting on the gift of grace, in all its magnificent meaning.  
Let grace, the gift for all people, speak to you personally through these pages.

For All People—Even You

God loves you more than you can imagine.

Is that hard to believe?   Many of us consider ourselves unworthy due to past sins and mistakes, wrong turns and missteps., 
But God’s gift of grace is limitless.  Though we are undeserving, he offers grace.  Though we are weak in our faith, he extends strength through grace. God’s endless grace is a free gift.  It cannot be earned.  
No matter who you are or what you’ve done, the all-powerful God waits for you to choose him, to choose life in his presence—here and in heaven. 

 “[God] simply wants you home with him. And to bring you home, he offers you a gift. My prayer is that through these pages you’ll see his gift like you’ve never seen it. If you’ve already accepted it, you’ll thank him again. And if you’ve never accepted it, you will. For it’s the gift of a lifetime, a gift for all people.”

—Max Lucado

"Yet somehow, despite all the pain, Jesus was able to see good in the bad, the purpose in the pain, and God's presence in the problem."

My Review 

So many powerful words are written in the short chapters here. They are very touching and life changing. The focus of the book is about Jesus loving us, His immeasurable gift of love and His free gift of grace setting us free. The stories are very warm and personable. I love all of Max Lucado books and this one is an easy read. It is simplistic in word crafting and powerfully effective in grabbing your heart and changing your life. Jesus invites you to choose Him. Salvation is a gift for all people. Get the book because it's relevant for today and may minister to your heart where you are on your life's journey of seeking truth and coping in an ever changing world!

5/5 stars. Highly recommend.  

"I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review."

More Book Reviews from Max Lucado

Skywatch Friday

LadyD Books: Ocean View

Beautiful Pacific Ocean view!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

We Are His True Beauty

Do you remember reading in 1Peter 3:3-4 about inner beauty? For those not familiar with the passage, it reads...

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight."
This morning I was reading this devotional (His Princess) by Sheri Rose Shepherd while enjoying a fresh cup of coffee. Here's the snippet I wanted to share with you:

You Are My True Beauty
Your real beauty is a work of art--hand-carved by Me. I have given you beautiful lips to speak words of life, beautiful eyes to see Me in everything, beautiful hands to help those in need, and a beautiful face to reflect My love to the world. I know you don’t see yourself the way I do because you compare yourself to beauty idols that will soon be forgotten. I will work wonders that will radiate true beauty from within. And when My work is completed, your character will show off My craftsmanship, and your beauty marks will be remembered by all that were loved by you.

I started to reflect on how blessed I am to have a healthy body and how gracious God has been to me over the years. It's true, I find that it is a balance to be a good steward with clothes shopping and such. For example, I like to purchase something new, sometimes hitting the thrift shops for good deals and then, recycling to give back what I don't need to our local charities. 

But I often think of those not so fortunate that are enduring the hard trial of chemo treatments and experiencing hair loss. My mother experienced the journey of lung and bone cancer. Through radiation and chemo, together we focused on what really mattered... the eternal beauty within. That is, knowing Christ and His love for you!

Now, I'm so proud to be YaYa of 5. These beautiful munchkins are always radiating genuine heartfelt love for me. In their youthfulness, we see Psalm 144:12.  

Then our sons in their youth    will be like well-nurtured plants,
and our daughters will be like pillars    carved to adorn a palace.
Oh, if we could see ourselves from God's perspective and through His lens! So for now, we continue to read His word because we know He is the one who changes lives. Our hearts long to reflect His character. In the meantime, let's be authentic with people about our walk with the Lord. Acts 2: 42

Flower Garden: LadyD Books
God's beautiful flower garden


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Review: Paper Sack Puppets by Eunice Wright

Paper Sack Puppets: Review l LadyD Books

Paper Sack Puppets by Eunice Wright

About The Book

Puppetry is an old and respected art form but it is also just plain fun. This book presents dozens of original patterns for a particular kind of puppet--those made from paper sacks. Those brown (or white) paper bags generations of students have used to tote lunch to school prove to be an inexpensive base on which to create puppets that can be used to teach as well as entertain. Along with the patterns are related activities, music, poems, book lists, and games.
Chock full of great ideas and clear instructions, the book will become a valuable resource for teachers, librarians, and parents.

Product Details

  • Paperback: 460 pages
  • Publisher: McFarland (September 18, 2015)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 078644567X
  • ISBN-13: 978-0786445677

The Friday #56

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
"I see a _ _ looking at me." (Repeat song, changing color and animal as desired.)

My Review

What a perfect book for teachers, parents, grandparents, homeschool, Sunday school teachers, librarians and music teachers! I was amazed at all of the 60+ patterns so beautifully illustrated. The designs are simple, yet detailed just right. If your a fan of Henny Penny, Turkey Lurkey, Goldilocks and the Frog Prince (to name a few), you'll love this wonderful hands on book. 

Of course, my favorite section is Peter and the Wolf. There's a list of songs sung to the tune of Three Blind Mice, Did You Ever See a Lassie and This Is The Way We Wash Our Clothes. In addition, you'll find a list of recommended books, movies and television lists. There are masks for Peter the young Russian boy, a duck, bird, cat and wolf!

I was drawn in at the beginning of this fabulous book because of the well planned layout. Most importantly you learn how to use the book regarding:

How to Make a Paper Sack Puppet
Enlarging Patterns
Making a Puppet Play from a Picture Book
Turn a Finger PLay, Poem, Song, Story or Chant into a Puppet Show
Ideas for Follow-up Activities After a Puppet Show

As a piano teacher with my pre-school students, I'm using the delightful elephant puppet in talking about the "E" note. As a grandma of 5, I can't wait to put on the Goldilocks and the Three Bears puppet show for our family. The beaver and sheep puppets are so great. There's a plethora of animals for Noah's Ark stories, too.

I am so impressed with the original patterns in this awesome book. Our family enjoys fun times with puppets and I use them for teaching purposes. This is a valuable resource for everyone. I highly recommend this one to all my teaching friends and families. It's for everyone!

5/5 stars!

About the Author

Eunice Wright has a background in early childhood education and has been a K-3 and preschool teacher for many years. She is also a nurse and member of the Utah Puppet Guild. Juli Wright has a background in graphic design, desktop publishing, interior and landscape design, illustration and animation. She lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.

What are you reading?


 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Little One, God Loves You: Review

Little One, God Loves You: Book Review l LadyD Books

This charming board book expresses the five purposes of the bestselling The Purpose-Driven Life for little ones ages 4 and under. Includes a note to parents from Rick Warren!

Book Review

I am a fan of repetitive learning. Each page from this delightful board book begins with, "Little one, little one." The story line focuses on the baby bunny's purpose in feeling so loved and belonging to a family. For one to grow and belong in the security of  knowing that others love you is a strong foundation for a child's healthy self esteem. Then to know your purpose in caring for others and sharing God's love is a beautiful thing, too. Thanking God for His loving care is a sweet, tender way to finish reading this adorable bedtime story for young ages. Amy has done a wonderful job in writing a simple heart felt story. I especially love the warm peaceful  illustrations with soft pastel colors by Polona Lovsin. Children will engage with the animals and this is good for visual learners as well. One thing that I didn't like is that the board book pages are a bit flimsy for toddler endurance but overall, this perfect for home and church libraries. Excellent for gift-giving, too. Maybe even a delightful addition for young children's Easter baskets this Spring. 

5/5 stars. Recommend!

**Disclosure** This book was sent to me free of charge by BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. Affiliate links in post.

Happy reading!

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2015 – All rights reserved
LadyD Books