
Book review: Get Out of That Pit

Get Out of That Pit l Beth Moore: Book Review

I was thrilled to receive a book copy of another one of Beth's masterful word crafting, Get Out of That Pit. Here's a little bit about this one.
Book Description
From her first breath of fresh air beyond the pit, it has never been enough for Beth Moore to be free.
This best-selling author and Bible teacher who has opened the riches of Scripture to millions longs for you to be free as well—to know the Love and Presence that are better than life and the power of God’s Word that defies all darkness.
Beth’s journey out of the pit has been heart-rending. But from this and the poetic expressions of Psalm 40 has come the reward: a new song for her soul, given by her Saviour and offered to you in Get Out of That Pit—friend to friend. This is Beth’s most stirring message yet of the sheer hope, utter deliverance, and complete and glorious freedom of God.
Book Review

If you know someone who has fallen on hard times and found themselves in a pit of despair and darkness, the writer's words will offer hope. As Beth shares the truth from God's word, they will see a new perspective on their situation. The author personally knows that pain is real. Within the pages, the biblical truth found here will set one free. I encourage you to read the book and get one for a friend. If you've been hurting and received help from Beth's sharing, please pay it forward. It is warm, funny, encouraging, and relational.

5/5 stars. Highly recommend.

I received a complimentary copy of the book from BookLook Bloggers in exchange for my honest review. Perhaps you would like to purchase a copy, here.

Happy Reading!

Lady D

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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