
The Power of Encouragement

cupcakes in the kitchen

Are you learning a foreign language? Perhaps you are learning to play an instrument and find it a bit challenging. Our 5-year-old grandson has progressed from scribbling to coloring inside the images. A bit of praise has helped him on his way to becoming a "budding artist!"
cupcake decorating

Then there's the cupcake decorating... especially when 5 grandchildren visit their YaYa for Christmas! By the way, YaYa is Greek for grandmother. This year we had 4 grandsons stay with us over Christmas break an I must say, spice cupcakes and gingerbread cookies were a treat! Hence, the clip art in this post from Artifex. Each grandchild created a masterpiece with sprinkles and candy canes for that extra special decorating touch! You could hear, "Well done" from every family member!

grandsons decorating cupcakes

Perhaps on your journey through life, you need a bit of cheering with hearing, "You Did It," from your friends and loved ones.

encouraging words

So, this past May I listened to Pastor Mel Svendsen speak on "encouragement."I wanted to share some of the highlights with you that I found to be very useful... especially during this beautiful holiday time. Family and community are so important to me. Let's serve one another!

encouragement through the scriptures

The Power of Encouragement

  1. Your walk with Christ is best done in relationship with others. (Community) Build one another up. Everyone is a fixer-upper. 1Thess. 5:11-14
  2. Your growth in Christ is greatly enhanced by the impact of others (ministry). Romans 16:1-18  Hebrews 3:13. Don’t be hardened by deceitfulness.

Deception’s Goal

Unbelief - doubt
Rebellion - my way
Self Centered - What are people going to do for me
Resentment - You think others have a better life
Lack of discernment

3. Your impact in this life is exponentially increased when in treatment with others. (Security)  
     Romans 16: 1-18. Gifts complementing one another.

4. Your best response is to encourage and build up others (humility). Romans 16: 1-16
     Definition: “Encouragement”. Sincere words or deeds done to inspire others to go further 
     and grow stronger in becoming who God wants them to be!
Words That Encourage

  1. Words that express God’s values.
  2. Words that facilitate growth.
  3. Words that focus on solutions and restoration.
  4. Words that express your love and commitment.
  5. Words that attack or tear down the person.

Who can you encourage today by a sacrifice of your resources? (time/talent/treasures.)

Who can you encourage by reaching out to someone who is not feeling connected?

Who can you encourage by helping out in a ministry that may be short-handed and is needing additional help?

Who can you encourage by including them in something that’s a blessing and growing in you?

Who can you encourage today by forgiving them and giving them another chance?

Pastor Mel Svendsen


Want to learn more about Pastor Mel? Here's my interview that I was privileged to do with my pastor a while back, An-Interview-With-Pastor-Mel-Svendsen.

May you be encouraged today!

Lady D

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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