
Making Good Decisions

Making Good Decisions: LadyD Books

Hi There!

I don't know what you are experiencing during these challenging times... I can tell you that it has been easy for my husband and me to stay quarantined for almost 5 months. What isn't easy is thinking through every decision and making good ones regarding disinfecting everything and everyone!

So, in order for us to make good decisions, together we seek the Lord daily for clarity. I think we all learn the hard way sometimes. Quite often when our dreams become nightmares many times we choose the wrong goal. " Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done
    and what I had toiled to achieve,
everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind;
    nothing was gained under the sun.
Sometimes we reach Destination Sickness. Often it's a Dead End Syndrome. You know what I mean...  We took the wrong path! Ouch! Or how about this one, the Alexandra Syndrome. Alexandra wept and thought it wasn't what it should have been.

The word of God says in Proverbs 16:9, "In their hearts, humans plan their course,
    but the Lord establishes their steps."

So, I am learning some Pillar Facts and these are not assumptions. Pillar Advice would be to ask and glean from the experts. A humble heart and a teachable spirit are good. Finally, the Pillar Impact asks, 'What are the long term and hidden consequences?"

I ask myself these very important questions:

"Is this the right time?"
"Is it the right way?"
"Am I the right person?"

I am learning lots from Moses in Proverbs 16:9. I have been reading about Jacob in Genesis and reading about David in 1 Chron. 22. Indeed, when we get through this awful COVID virus, there will be no doubt that God's grace got us through. Stay safe, everyone!

Happy Reading!

Lady D

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

© copyright 2008-2020– All rights reserved
LadyD Books

He Will Come Back

Dear Readers,

I am living in a very different world right now. I never thought in my lifetime I would experience these humungous changes due to the virus. Many of my friends say we are living in the last days and that it's going to get worse. Well, I woke up thinking about the lovely day ahead of me. How I have experienced self-confinement for 5 weeks now. That means I have had lots of time to read my Bible and do some outdoor gardening.

I think the bottom line is: Jesus will return physically to this world during the great Day of the Lord to establish His kingdom. In the meantime, believers are to walk worthy and battle faithfully as they impact this world for Christ! Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Does The Mission grip the mind and heart of early believers and yours also? Acts 1:1-8
  2. Are you anticipating the work of the Spirit in your life? Acts 1:8
  3. Is this a conviction of yours, the reality of seeing Jesus again? This is the core belief of early Christians. Acts 1: 9-11
I am pretty sure a change is coming. What we're experiencing may be the birth pains... Here are some important truths regarding the return of Christ:

  1. You will see Jesus in the future! (either at His return or at death) Acts 1:11
  2. It will be the same, Jesus. He will find you!
  3. It will be a physical return.
  4. It will be in the clouds. Matt. 24:30
  5. Do not set return dates. Matt. 24:36-38
You know, there's a lot of info out there regarding views on the rapture...
All I know is that I want to be ready to receive Him. To take this time to evangelize others. To actively serve Christ and yield to the Lord daily.

Happy reading!


Lady D

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

© copyright 2008-2020– All rights reserved

LadyD Books

Not Surprised by the Opposition

Not discouraged by any opposition: LadyD Books

Don't be surprised or discouraged by any opposition.

Who do you think you should listen to? I have my devotional and I am finding that the word is what I need to be reading right now. Especially Acts 4:13-18 because it reads, "But to stop this thing from spreading any further among the people, we must warn them to speak no longer to anyone in this name." And 1 Peter 4:12-13 is encouraging to my heart when I share my faith-based perspective on things that matter to me, and hopefully to you as well.

The opposition...

  • More interested in the status quo than the Word of God.
  • No real acceptance of the miraculous.
  • No consistent logic about the supernatural.
  • No willingness to accept the "good" resulting from God and His word.
I need to remind myself where the authority of truth is found. (Acts 4:19-22) and embrace with a surrendered heart, the sovereignty of God. (John 19:11). Be encouraged with believers praying and following Christ in the community. Acts 4:23-24 says they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “you made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them."

So, I ask myself... Why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain? Why so much division? I am holding fast to the faith I have in Jesus. He is holding my hand, always with me, the strength of my heart and my portion forever, says Psalm 73:23-28.

The focus of our faith and praise...

  • Who our God is! (Sovereign Lord)
  • What our God has made! (The heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them)
  • Where our God has most clearly been revealed. (Through the Holy Spirit)

Personal Insight

As I write to you, I am watching sermons online because large social gatherings are being canceled to help one another stop the spreading of the Coronavirus. I want to take this time to share with you a personal family miracle. In 1918 my mother-in-law was born during the Spanish Flu in Iowa. Thousands were dying. She and her mother were the only mother and child that left the hospital alive. Please pray for quick testing of this virus and overall reducing the number of infections. Better treatments and ultimately, a vaccine. As we do our part, may God's protection be upon us. 

I am looking forward to a new study, Everyday Theology. We live in exciting times with all that is going on in the world and yet we can look back at the church under attack and the church alive in the book of Acts! Be encouraged!


~ Lady D

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
© copyright 2008-2020– All rights reserved
LadyD Books

Book Review: Love in Every Room

Book Review: Love in Every Room l LadyD Books

What's It About?

Artist Karla Dornacher leads a tour of the heart's home, using everyday objects such as a dinner table, a bed quilt, and a salt shaker to symbolize the "high and honorable calling" of keeping a home, nurturing a marriage, and raising a Christian family. With her own unique watercolor paintings and insightful meditations, Karla's Love in Every Room makes a thoughtful, encouraging gift.

From the series, The Heartbeat of the HomeLove in Every room

Why This Author?

Author/Artist Karla Dornacher is passionate about sharing hope, encouragement, and inspiration in everything she does. Karla is best known for her best-selling books, Love In Every Room and Down A Garden Path, as well as several other Christian Inspirational Gift and Devotional books of the same style.

How's The Rating?

Here's a delightful book, inspiring homemakers everywhere. The author uses Bible scriptures in each room of the house encouraging us to trust God in our everyday home surroundings. Karla's illustrations are warm and beautiful. A wonderful reminder of our high and holy calling of the keeper of the home. I love this one! 5 *****

Where can I Get The Book?

Great gift giving! Love in Every Room 

Happy Reading!

Lady D

 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

© copyright 2008-2020– All rights reserved
LadyD Books