
Friday 56: Finding Your Own North Star

LadyD Books participates in the Friday56 meme with

*Grab a book, any book.
*Turn to page 56.
*Find any sentence that grabs you.
*Post it.
*Link it here

It's that simple

Here's my choice for today. The book, Finding Your Own North Star: claiming the life you were meant to live was given to me; what a nice gift!

Finding Your Own North Star

 Pg. 56 is a worksheet:

Your Own Best-Case Scenario

"It's an incredibly beautiful day. The air is clear, the scenery dazzling, and you're setting out to do: (A. your most high-energy activity) with (B: your favorite person)"

-- Martha Beck

If I were to fill in the blanks it would be about my birthday on Monday. The day began with a slight rain shower that cleared the air. I chose to take a walk around the harbor and then out on the pier with my husband. Later on, we dined on shrimp and scallops. It was a beautiful day... Today, I choose to see the beauty in this new day as well.

Now,  you'll find a bit of the book description here:

From Publishers Weekly

"A fixed point in the sky that helps mariners stay on course, the North Star emerges as a symbol for realizing one's true potential in this cheerful and perceptive but too-long book. Though her navigational metaphors lose force with repetition, Beck's voice is light, down-to-earth and refreshing. Having found her way on her own journey from academia (she was a professor and researcher at Harvard Business School) to becoming an author (of Expecting Adam, a warmly received memoir about the birth of her Down's syndrome baby), Beck currently consults with clients on redirecting their lives. She teaches that each individual has a core personality that encompasses one's desires, emotions and preferences, which is sometimes blocked by a social self that responds to external influences and cultivates survival skills. By far the most fascinating material is on how to read warnings from the essential self: low energy, lapses into illness, forgetfulness, addictions, Freudian slips and mood swings. She advises steering toward the correct path by eliminating negative influences and practicing elaborate self-esteem exercises. A section on navigating change weighs the book down while suggestions for dealing with serious emotions like grief and anger are somewhat breezy. In the end, however, the numerous self-quizzes, exercises and chances to laugh will allow many readers to overlook these weaknesses. (Mar.)Forecast: Given the success of Expecting Adam and Beck's freelance contributions to Mademoiselle, Real Simple and Redbook, the author is likely to shine in a constellation of media venues and has a solid shot at capturing the imaginations of self-help seekers."
Have you read this one? What are you reading now?

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. Ah, this one sounds inspirational! The concept of "true potential" reminds me of another story, in which soul mates find their "true north."

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. Good book choice!
    Thanks for participating!

  3. Hi!
    Sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. Have a great day!

    Just Books


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