
Quote It: Comedienne Kerri Pomarolli

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Here's Kerri quoted in Guidepost:

 "Every talk I do contains some sort of message about saying yes to God. He has something for each of us. We have to have the courage to pray those dangerous prayers - 'God, whatever you ask of me, I'll do it.'"
 -- Kerri Pomarolli, comedienne, who performs clean stand-up routines.

This gal is not only a very funny comedienne but she's also an actress, writer, and speaker.
Visit her website for more information.

Here's another quote on the same line:

 “If you learn to laugh with (and at) your family, you’ll be able to survive, with confidence and style, just about anything that life throws at you.”

If you'd like to join us for Saturday Quote It, head on over to this meme hostess:

“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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1 comment:

  1. Great quote!
    Gave me something to think about.
    Thanks for participating!


As always, so nice to hear from you!