
Wordless Wednesday: Lobster Press and Fest

 Maine's Lobster Festival

Children's Artwork

Children's Activity

 Wordful Wednesday

My daughter is a huge fan of children's books. Having majored in English, plus a Master's Degree in English Literature... I know, brag, brag, brag. What's a mother to do?!

Did I mention she taught the elementary grades also? Hence, here she is at the lobster festival providing crafts for the little people. So very bright and cheery and delightfully colorful!

Well, I started thinking of what rhymes with lobster fest. You know how one's mind works at times. And I came up with lobster press. I had an "a-ha moment!" My gosh, in case you're a wee bit interested, here's a running list of books recommended by Lobster Press!

1. Board Books

2. Fiction
lobster press-fiction books

3. Non Fiction
Exploring History-Making Good Choices

4. Books in French

What's been happening with you mid-week? Have you looked at some amazing book cover art lately?


“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis

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  1. Those are so adorable! I would brag too!

    Thanks for linking up today!

  2. How cool about your daughter! I'd LOVE to visit Maine!!



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