
Super Bowl Skies

SoCal skies with palm trees: LadyD Books

view of palm trees: LadyD Books

We had great weather in SoCal for Super Bowl Sunday. A good day to be indoors and outdoors! The first photo was taken from our front yard, facing southwest. We are surrounded by so many lovely palm trees, like Queen Palm, King Palm and Sago Palm, just to name a few. What type of trees surround your area? In the second photo, I used the original and then cross-colored it in Photoshop. Linking up with Skywatch Friday

                                            Andi's Fair Surprise (Circle C Beginnings)

Currently, I'm reading a Christian Fiction/Chapter Book for ages 6-8 by Susan K. Marlow. I decided to take a break from reading picture books (they're very popular with my precious grandchildren, ages 2-7) and branch out with looking more into chapter books for when my grandbabies get a little older! Are you just like me... always looking ahead? Anyways,

I'm not real familiar with the book series but so far I'm enjoying it. I think these kind of books are pretty popular with the kiddos, especially when they're centered around animals. So, this looks like a good choice.

Here's my entry for The Page 56

"Andi grasped. Her ticket had 696 stamped on it. She unfolded it to make sure. "Melinda!" she squealed. My ticket matches! I win a lamb! A little black lamb!"
Are you familiar with chapter books? If so, do you have some favorites that you can recommend that would be a plus for our home library?

Well, many of you know that on Fridays I like to hook up with 3 blogging memes. You'll find me out and about with my Nikon D200 camera, practicing with photography images.  Or I'll be reading books for reviewing purposes but you'll also find me connecting with the little ones and discovering something new in their colorful world.

making a fun tent for play: LadyD Books

grandchild sitting under the tent: LadyD Books

Have you ever made a tent out of blankets with a pair of chairs or two? Our daughter very lovingly created a place for her daughter and cousin to play under while the Super Bowl was going on. It was a great idea; a special place just for them! Do you have fond memories of telling stories, or reading books under your Fort or Tent, inside or outside your home? Photos for Color Connection

How was your Super Bowl event? Did your team win? Seems so long ago now...
Wouldn't you just love to visit here?
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Palm Tree and Beach Chair
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“You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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  1. I enjoyed your beautiful photos as well as your Friday 56 choice. Susan Marlow is a talented author from my part of the world, and I think you and your grandchildren will like all her Andi stories. You'll find more info about her here:

    My Book Beginnings / Friday 56 post features DAKOTA BLUES.

    1. Thanks for the tip and your kind words, Sandy... much appreciated!

  2. Cute 56! How wonderful to win a lamb!
    LOVE your grandlittles' shot. So pretty, that smile she has!
    Beautiful skies too!!! We've got one heck-of-a blizzard happening right now!

    1. I heard about Canada and the East Coast snow storm. Take care, Freda and thanks for all those nice things you said. Blessings to you!

  3. Wonderful sky shots! Your grand daughter is very sweet.
    Well, I am not fond of sport, so I havent seen super bowl.
    Have a nice reading week end to you!

  4. i'm trying for the third time to leave a comment, LadyD. i hope it works this time. must be something on my end.

    1. oh, it worked when i used my blogger profile. i was using the name/url option twice and that did not worked. Anyway, i was saying that the shots of the sky were beautiful as if the gods dashed down from heaven to make it to the super bowl. and the idea of the tent's perfect for kids. have a great weekend, LadyD!

  5. Lindas imagem e lindas palavras. Eu tenho boas lembranças de minha infância, com boas leituras e muitas brincadeiras.

  6. She's getting prettier and prettier each time!

    Thank you for linking up with Color Connection last week, the linky is up now, come join us again. Happy Valentine's Day!


As always, so nice to hear from you!