
Gray Matters

cloudy overcast sky: LadyD Books

Gray skies: LadyD Books

There are days when the skies in the early morning hours turn to a dull gray with a hint of lavender and we wait for the overcast sky to break up and go away, hoping it will be a bright sunny day. Usually this is quite typical for May-June weather in SoCal. With the average temps in the 70s, it still remains a great day for an outdoor adventure. Now that another school year has come to an end, how will you be spending your summer days? I think we'll be going to the beach often while collecting shells, watching fly-by pelicans and enjoying some summer reading. How about you... what's on your reading list?

girls playing in the pacific ocean

gray pelican flying with the ocean breeze

Photos for Skywatch Friday

The Goodwill Vulture Club

Currently, I'm reading a chapter book by Hugh Willard, The Goodwill Vultures Club. I'll be posting my review soon. Here's a brief description of what you'll find inside the cover.

“A heart-warming story of a boy who learns that while some see his disabled pet vulture as ugly, others can see her as inspiration and joy. The story of "Buzz" and Rob is a lesson in acceptance of disabilities as normal, not different." – Mark Lawton Thomas, author of My Lemonade Stand Can’t Stand Me and Amazon Best Seller When Farts Had Colors There is no shortage of heroic stories laden with love and loyalty between humans and their four-legged friends. But there are very few about vultures - at least not the kind with wings. In The Goodwill Vultures Club, Roberta, AKA, Rob, is just such a furry friend. – Ann Eisenstein, the author of Hiding Carly (2012) “You’d better keep that wrinkled-headed, alien freak away,” was not an uncommon thing to hear when 10 year old, Elton “Buzz” Stewart takes his pet vulture out in public places. Roberta, who prefers to be called Rob, is a gentle spirit and often misunderstood by people who don’t see beyond her outward appearance. The Goodwill Vultures Club is the story of Buzz and Rob who learn that even an ugly, ailing bird is capable of bringing life and happiness to the lives of others.

The Friday 56

"We had quite an eventful day yesterday. Roberta was a real rock star, not only with Chrissy, which was just huge but also with several of the other kids there at the community center."

-- Hugh Willard

The Goodwill Vultures Club: A Day of Heroes (Volume 1)

This is a good story and you guessed it... Roberta is the big black bird on the cover art! 


 “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough or a book long enough to suit me." C. S. Lewis
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